Chapter 8

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"If i said I want your body now, would you hold it against me?"

Alexa looked at Zayn and laughed. 

"Cause you, feel like paradise, and I need a vacation tonight!" She sung, perfectly might I add. 

"If I said I want your body now," Zayn trailed off. 

"Would you hold it against me?!" They both yelled as the song ended. 

Alexa looked at Zayn. This was the one of the very rare times Zayn has his hair down and not in his usual quiff. As for Alexa, her hair looked like Medusa. 

"So, what did the doctor say?" Zayn asked, looking at her in the corner of his eye as he turned onto another road. 

Shit, she thought. She should've thought my excuse through. It's kinda obvious that someone was bound to ask it. Well, this isn't a big deal. Just tell him everything was fine. 

"Everythings good," Alexa lied. Guilt washed through-out her body. She felt horrible. Alexa couldn't lie. Let alone to one of the boys. She layed my head against the window. 

Zayn looked at the girl, studying her face to detect a lie, but since Alexa was a pretty good actress, he let it go and focused his gaze on the road once again. 

Alexa's phone vibrated once again. 

'Where are you? -SassMasta'

Alexa laughed at Louis' signature.

Zayn looked at the girl suspiciously. "Who you texting? Got a secret boyfran we don't know?" Alexa giggled when Zayn pronounced 'Boyfriend' as 'Boyfrannn'. Hah. He's such a teenage girl sometimes. And she loves that teenage girl. To death. 

"Hate to dissapoint, but it's just Louis. Asking where I am," Alexa replied nonchalantly, getting ready to text him back that she was with Zayn. 

"You know what you should do," Zayn said slowly, a smirk forming it's way along his face. "You should tell him you're getting lady products."

Alexa's breath hitched. She held in a big laugh. 

"You mean tampons?" Alexa asked. Zayn cringed. 

"I don't like that word."

Alexa just shook her head. 

"If you can't deal with a girl on her period, good luck with a pregnant wife."

Zayn rolled his eyes. 

Alexa's fingers skillfully slid across her phone's slide-out keyboard as she texted Louis back. 

'Just out getting tampons. I started today. Should I get the regular or max? ;) -SpoonfulOfCats'

Zayn laughed. 

"Here we are," Zayn said, pulling into the parking-lot infront of Alexa and Niall's shared flat. 

"Thanks, boo. You're too good to me," Alexa laughed as she leaned over the console and kissed Zayn's cheek. He patted her thigh in return. 

"I know. I spoil you. Beach house tomorrow. Dont forget!" He said as Alexa slammed the passenger door shut. 

"Oh. Yeah. Haz told me. Quick request, will you take me to Aeropostale later? I need a swimsuit!" She said as she circled around the car and leaned over the window on the driver's side of the car. 

Zayn winked. "Suree, need help putting it on?" 

Alexa laughed and whacked Zayn on the shoulder. "Screw you."

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