Chapter 12

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Disconnected. Previously Known As Heart Vacancy- Chapter 12


Alexa wiped her nose with the back of her sleeve. Sniffling, she continued to pack her bags. 

How could she be so naive? Harry's a boy. Boys are stubborn. Alexa shook her head. She wanted to hear that he wanted to be with her as badly as she wanted to be with him. She loves him. Nothing could change that. No matter what he did, or what he said, a piece of Alexa's heart will always have a place for Harry. Last night wasn exactly that. Her love for the Holmes Chapel boy didn't vanish, it just wavered. Sure, she thought for a moment that he was a monster, but that was briefly. Harry loved her. And she loved him. Why can't life be easy?

Alexa wanted, no, craved, Harry's touch, his arms wrapped around her. It was the safest place in the world to her. Nobody could change that. Her mind was telling her to let him go; telling her that he wasn't worth it, but her her heart constantly repeated the same words. 

'Give Him One More Chance'

Alexa stopped packing her bags as she came across a picture of them. A faint smile spread itself across Alexa's face as she looked at the picture. 

It was summer, they had just began their middle year of secondary school. They were at her house, standing outside her pool. Alexa's hair was black due to the water, and Harry's curls were wavy strands. They were both dripping with water and Harry was kissing her cheek. 

Alexa felt that knot in her stomach appear as she tried to imagine Harry's touch once again. 

Soft, loving. He was one in a million. 

"What are you doing?" Harry asked in a whisper. 

Alexa dropped the picture, its fall being cushioned by her clothes in the suitcase. 

"I," Alexa started, her voice frail and weak.  Harry came up and hugged her behind. 

"I don't know," she whispered, leaning into Harry's grasp. 

"Well you obviously did. Why are you packing?"

Alexa shook her head. 

"Unpacking now."

Harry smiled and leaned his head down, kissing her cheek. 

Alexa inhaled his sweet old spice scent. 

"Help me?" She asked cheekily. Harry shook his head, chuckling. 

"Sure, love."


"My life!" Niall sang

"My Life!" Alexa echoed, mixing the eggs into the batter. 

"Would suck!" Niall exclaimed into a wooden spoon, prancing around the kitchen. 

Alexa echoed him again, her hips swaying back and forth. 

"Without you!" They sang together, bursting into fits of laughter. 

"What is going on here?" Louis questioned, stepping over Niall's hysterical figure on the floor. 

"Baking," Alexa stated simply. 

Louis narrowed his eyes on Alexa. 

"You bake?" He asked incredulously. 

Alexa nodded. "Since I was little. Just haven't done it since Mum..." Alexa trailed off, moving her gaze to the mixing bowl. 

Louis gave her a side-ways hug. "It's okay, babes."

Alexa just smiled. 

"Love you, boo-bear."

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