Chapter 11

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Disconnected Chapter 11- Formerly Known As 'Heart Vacancy'

"Baby, take a chance on me." Alexa whispered to herself as she looked out at the view on her window. 

The sun was just setting, and everybody was downstairs celbrating Liam and Danielle's engagement. 

Harry asked her if she wanted to stay. Alexa quickly lied through her teeth and said she was having cramps and was going to bed. 

Of couse Alexa felt horrible for lying to them, but she needed to sort somethings out. First things first, Her and Harry. 

What were they? Could she and Harry even be called 'they'? They flirt like their in a relationship, fight like a married couple, talk like bestfriends. Wasn't that enough for them to be a couple. Did Alexa even want them to be a couple? Sure, she loved Harry with her whole heart, but was that enough for him? What would everybody else think? What would Simon think? Simon doesn't really like her, so dating one of the boys would be like World War 3. But more importantly, did Alexa care?

Is this what fate does? Makes you love someone and then fills your mind full of uncertainties?

"Hey," came a voice from the doorway. 

Alexa lifted up her head from her knees and crained her neck to look at the doorway. 


Harry made his way over to her and sat down beside her, the summer breeze carelessly blowing his curls out of his eyes. 

He was like a work of art. 

What did Alexa do to deserve him?


"What are we?" Alexa interrupted him. 

Harry closed his mouth and shifted his body so he was facing her. Alexa laid her head on her knees. 

"What do you mean?" Harry gulped. 

"Harry, you know what I mean."

He bit his lip. Does he not know how sexy that is? Alexa thought. 

"I never really thought about it," He trailed off, his eyes fixing themselves on the sun. 

Alexa nodded, her eyes studying every single detail in his facial features. 

His jaw clenched. Alexa raised her eyebrow. 

"You don't understand," Harry mumbled, his hands turning into fists. His knuckles were already turning white. 

Alexa stayed silent, waiting for Harry to continue. 

"How much I love you."

Alexa silently breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Yeah, I do, Harry. I love you, too."

Harry shook his head, his eyes watering. 

"I don't think it's humanly possible to love someone as much as I love you."

Alexa wrapped her arms around his waist and layed her head on his shoulder. 

"So, what are we?"

Harry looked at her. Biting his lip once again, he shrugged. 

"You don't know?" Alexa asked incredulously. 

Harry shrugged once again. 

Alexa got up. 

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, looking up at her through his curls. 

Alexa just simply shrugged.

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