Chapter 7

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Heart Vacancy Chapter 7


"I know who put chloroform in your inhailer..." 

Alexa's heart stopped beating. Her breath hitched. She was frozen. Her eyes locked on Eliade's retreating figure. 

"I'll be over in five," Alexa stated, picking up Nandos and sprinting torwards her car. 

Nandos was in the backseat, desperately clawing at the window, but Alexa ignored the noise. She was gripping the steering wheel, her knuckles white. 

Chloroform? She thought. Alexa's anything-but-organized mind was flying at a million miles per minute. She couldn't focus, that is, until she was forced to slam on the breaks. 

"Shit!" Alexa screamed as her head hit the steering wheel and the airbags exploded. On the verge of conciousness, Alexa could make out a mess of curls coming her way, and Nandos whining in pain in the backseat. Alexa switched her gaze to the injured puppy in her backseat who was licking his paw. 

"Alexa," Harry gasped, trying to get her out of the mess of airbags and blood. 

"Don't worry about me, Harry. The paramedics are on their way. They'll get me out. Get Nandos and take him to the vet," Alexa said, her voice shakey and fraile. 

"No, you're my main priority, Alexa," Harry stated firmly. He began clawing at the metal of her car door to remove the girl. 

"I won't loose you again."

"Do it, Harry!" 

The oh-so familiar black dots swarmed her vision as they took over, Alexa's body falling motionless as she summoned up all her strength to give Harry a reassuring smile. He shook his head, his red, puffy eyes evident in Alexa's fading vision as he watched the girl he loves slip away. 


A sliver of blinding, white light was shining through a crack between two huge doors. Alexa found herself walking torwards them, her hands laying firmly against the wood as she pushed them to the sides as she entered the room. 

There, she saw everybody she has come to love, but the person standing in the middle of the small crowd stood out the most. 

Alexa stumbled over her words as she tried to produce them from her mouth. 


Her familiar white smile greeted Alexa as she walked closer. Alexa never thought she would be able to see her again. 

"Babygirl," Her mom greeted. 

Alexa's mom was practically glowing compared to the pure white room surrounding her. 

Tears were formed as she embraced her mom, something she hasn't expirenced for fourteen years. 

From the corner of her eye, Alexa could see Harry, standing with the rest of the boys, motioning for her to come to them. 

Alexa pulled away. 

"Go," Her mom said softly. 

Alexa shook her head. "I don't want to leave you," Alexa sniffed. 

"Babygirl, they need you more than me." 

Alexa laughed softly. Her mom sounded like Zayn. 

Alexa looked at the boys, then back at her mom. 

Alexa opened her mouth to argue, but her mom shook her head and gave Alexa a gentle shove torwards the boys. 

"I love you." 

Her mom blew her a kiss. 


Her eyelids felt heavy, but she still managed to open them. Atempting to get her eyes ajusted to the light, her gaze scanned the room. 


Her room was empty. 

Alexa pressed the button on the side of her bed for nurse attendance. 

"Hello? May I help you?" The nurse asked. 

Alexa sighed. The boys were no where to be seen and she wanted out of this hell hole. Now. 

"Not to be rude or anything, but when can I leave?" 

The nurse softly chuckled and flipped through some papers on her clipboard. 

"You're free to go now. We were just waiting for you to wake up. Nothing major happened. You may just have a bad headache for awhile because of the impact, and your wrists might sting, but you're fine." 

Alexa nodded and hopped out of bed. Surprisingly, she wasn't clothed in one of those damned dress gowns. She mentally suddered. 



"Hey, are you free right now?" Alexa said, pressing her cellphone to her ear. 

"Yeah, babydoll, What 'cha need?" Zayn's irresistable bradford accent replied. 

"Someone to pick me up. At the hospital. It was just a check-up. I'm all healthy," Alexa fake laughed into the phone. 

"Kay, boo, be there in eight." 

Alexa clicked 'End' on her screen and slumped up against the brick wall of the hospital. Suddenly her phone buzzed. 

'Nandos is okay. Just a sprained paw. He'll be okay. He's hanging with Haribo now. How are you holding up, Babygirl? Miss you. xx Hazza'

Alexa smiled. Those small texts still brought a smile to her face, not to mention she was in-love with Harry's welsh corgi, Haribo. Alexa texted back that she was fine and that she missed him, too. 

'Good. Dinner, tonight? On me? We're going to the beach house tomorrow, so last night out? (; xx Hazza' 

Alexa laughed. She replied to his text and decided she would have Zayn take her to Aero and get her some new swimsuits. 

Her phone buzzed, thinking it was Harry, she unlocked her phone quickly. 

Her eyes were met with this. 

'I know you weren't at the hospital for a check-up. You're telling me what went down. Don't lie to me.' 

Alexa gulped. It was an unreconizable number, and she was slightly freaked by who would text that. 

Who was that?  Alexa thought. 

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a carhorn. She smiled. 


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