Chapter Twenty Six

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"You sure you don't want to stay a little longer?" Rhett asks, before placing a lingering kiss against my lips. "I'll make it worth your while."

I let out a laugh, when his stubble tickles my neck as he trails kisses along my face. "Nathan and Liam just got back, you wouldn't be able to make it worth my while. Besides, I'm sure they'll have their questions about what we were doing."

We had just finished fooling around, mistakenly, on the couch when we could hear Liam and Nathan storming up the steps of the apartment. Rhett and I tossed clothes at each other as quickly as we could, barely slipping our shirts over our heads when the lock clicked on the front door. Neither of us could keep a straight face as they walked into the living room, so I made an excuse about having to leave and said my goodbyes. Once we got to my car, Rhett and I erupted into a fit of laughter before he pinned me to the car and pressed his lips to mine.

He groans and nuzzles his face in my neck. "Fine, but we're still going to the hospital to see the kids tomorrow, right?"

I nod my head and push him off of me. "I missed them last week, I think it'll be good to go."

Movement behind Rhett turns my attention towards the apartment windows. I thought I saw Nathan's figure peering through the curtains, but it's gone almost as quickly as it appeared.

"I better get inside before they come out here raising hell." Rhett jokes, flashing his million dollar smile at me. With a few lingering kisses placed to my lips, Rhett turns around and marches back inside. Seeing his smile stabs at my heart. He has no idea what I'm going through, and I'm not brave enough to finally admit the truth to anyone. His eyes and smile burn into my mind, trying to force me to face the music and own up to everything.

I shake the thought from my head and shut my car door. I'm about to start the ignition, when I realize I don't have my purse. A groan escapes my lips as I climb out of my car, quickly making my way inside.

I walk back through the front door, rolling my eyes at the fact that they get on my ass for leaving my door unlocked when theirs is always left open, and grab my purse. When I hear Rhett and Nathan laughing in the living room, I'm  tempted to continue walking into the apartment and stay just a little bit longer, before I hear Nathan mention my name.

"So you and Cari?" Nathan questions.

There's a moment of silence, if it weren't for the tv blaring in the background I swear you could hear a pin drop. My breathing gets heavier as I await Rhett's response.

"You're crazy." He says. "Liam would kill me."

I silently let out the breath I had been holding in, thankful he was able to keep his composure up.

"I would too." Nathan admits.

Something in his tone tells me he know more than he's letting on.

"Which is what I wanted to do, when I saw you kissing her outside her car."

It feels as if my heart stops and I freeze instantly, waiting for Rhett's response.

"Just tell me you're not sleeping with her, and I won't kill you, or tell Liam."

Rhett sighs loudly, unable to say anything. He knows better than to lie to them, even though that's what we've been doing for months now.

"Do you have feelings for her?" Nathan questions.

My heart is pounding in my chest, dreading Rhett's response.

"You fell in love with her, didn't you?" He questions, when Rhett remains silent.

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