Chapter 2: Crush

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Lucas POV
        Today im helping a new family move in. They have a girl my age so that should be fun. When I get to the house they are pulling up. Riley-the girl my age- hops out of the truck and shes beautiful. I just cant help but stare at her. I notice shes looking right back at me. I want to tell her how beautiful she is but I don't want to scare her off.
        "Hi, I'm Lucas, you must be Riley." I said, my southern acent coming out a little stronger than usual.
        "Hi Lucas." She says back shyly. Wow I never thought id like a voice that much.
        "So I'll be helping you move in, wheres all your stuff?" I ask her hoping to get some alone time with her.
        "Most of my stuff is in the bed of the truck." He angelic voice said.
        "Ok, I can help get this stuff to your room." I said trying to calm my nerves.
"Ok I'm on the third floor." She said sweetly.
"Alright lets go." I said picking up 2 boxes to show off a little bit.
Riley POV
        He is helping me move boxes into my room and its just the two of us!
        "So where ya from?" he asks me as we are coming up the last flight of stairs.
        "New York" I answer.
        "Oh so you're a city girl. That's my new nickname for you." He fired back and I swear he mumbled something under his breath, sounded like girlfriend but that was probably just my mind playing tricks on me.
Lucas POV
        "So where ya from?" I ask her when we are coming up the stairs.
        "New york." She said, she dosent seem like a New Yorker.
        "Oh so your a city girl, that's my new nickname for ya. Besides my future girlfriend." I said that last part under my breath.
        "Have you lived here your whole life?" she asked me.
        "Yup, Texan born and raised." I respond.
        "So what do you do for fun round here?" she asks
        "Lots of things, we can go huntin, fishin, muddin,I can take you to the gun range and that's just some of the things we like to do." I tell her hoping to get a read on what she likes.
        "That all sounds like so much fun! I've never told anyone this but I've always wanted to live in the country and do all that kind of stuff." She tells me, I knew there was somethin different about her.
        "That's really cool, I'll have to show ya round town sometime." I said hopefully
        "That would be so cool! Tomorrow?" she asks, I saw my chance.
        "It's a date." I said whilst putting the last of her stuff in her room.
        "Sounds good to me." She said and I swear she winked at me but im not sure.
Riley POV
        When he said date my heart started going a little faster.
        "Sounds good to me." I said with a wink, I think he caught me though.
Itís a little later now and I'm just exploring my backyard when this girl walks up to me.
"Hi, I'm Maya, Lucas' step sister." She said.
        "Hi, I'm Riley. I think we'll be great friends Maya." I say to her.
        "I think your right peaches." She says
        "Peaches?" I say confused a little.
        "Yeah I saw it on TV and though I'd give it a try." She said.
        "Ah, I see, so can I call you peaches or do I have to come up with a different nickname?" I ask her
        "You can call  me whatever youd like." She said and an idea popped into my head.
        "Ok, how bout horse face." I say jokingly
        "Sure moose head." She said.
        "Jk your like georgus." I said "And moose head? Really? You couldnít have come up with something more insulting then moose face?" I tease her.
        "Yeah I couldnít think of anything else." She said "and yure not too bad your self."
        "Thanks peaches." I said while hugging her. Wow a new crush possibly futre boyfried and a new best friend all in the same day. I hope this new life can wash the old one out of my mind completely.

Ooo what do you think Riley is hiding? You like? Don't like? Tell me whatcha think. Love yall!!

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