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"Riles whatcha need for school?" Lucas asked his crush. They were currently in Target. He loved spending time with her.

"I still need some pencils, notebooks and gum lots of gum.". Riley said while laughing

"OK, let's go!" Lucas raced off. Riley was standing on the back of the buggy with Lucas pushing. After she got her stuff and some other things they walked up to the checkout. Riley pulled out her wallet but Lucas put his hand up for her to stop.

"I got this." He told her while handing the cashier the money. The cashier -Alex-was looking at Riley like a piece of meat and she didn't even notice. Lucas put his arm around her protectively.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that." The brown eyed girl said while looking at her crush.

"Hey, I wanted to" He responded.

After Lucas dropped off his crush at her house he went back to his own home.

"Hey mama." He greeted his mom when he walked in, hanging his hat on the rack by the door.

Hey Luke." She said while looking at him intensely "who is she?" She finally said.

"Who is who?" Lucas tried to play dumb.

"Don't try to play dumb with her, she has this art of seeing right through people." A grey eyed man said.

"I know, thanks for blowing my cover." He said "hi dad."

"Hi, who is she?" His father repeated his wife's question.

"The new girl, Riley she's beautiful, smart, funny, and I took her to the gun range yesterday and she really enjoyed it." The jade eyed man said.

"You asked her father before hand right?" His mom asked.

"Of course I did, that's how ya'll raised me. I want her to meet y'all." He said.

"Don't forget she's my peaches before she is your anything." Maya walked up behind their parents.

"Invite her over for dinner, her whole family." The gray eyed man stated.

I don't want to scare her." Lucas admitted.

"Then I'll do it." Maya stated.

"All right it's settled then, tomorrow night." Katie -Maya and Lucas's mother- stated.

After that Lucas went to his room and thought about Riley. He was super nervous about tomorrow night. His phone going off pulled him out of his thoughts.

Future Girlfriend💙👑👫🍉
I had so much fun today, thank you. Tell my peaches to come over here, I don't have her number

Anytime and sure

     He texted her back while chucking.

     "Yo Blondie." He shouted.

     "Yes annoying brother o mine." Maya stood outside his door.

     "Riles wants you over there and give her your number so I don't have to communicate for you anymore." He told her.

     "Kk" was all the blond said. "Momma can I go to Riley's?" She asked

     "Sure" Katy told her ----------------------------------------------

     "What's up my second family!" Maya yelled while walking through the door. She greeted everyone and went up to Riley's room.

     "What's up peaches?" The blond said while flopping onto Riley's bed.

"The sky, the clouds, just look up if you wanna know." Riley replied.

"You're so funny." The blue eyed girl said in a mocking tone. They talk about anything and everything until about 10pm.

"Sleepover?" Riley questioned.

"You go as the parentals while I call mine." Maya said.

"Mom dad can peaches sleepover?" Riley yelled down the stairs.

"Sure." Was all she heard. She walked back into her room.

"All good." They both said at the same time. Then Riley got a text.

You thought moving would save you? Think again. See you soon. Xoxo Charlie

Maya noticed her friend went pale and started breathing heavily.

"Riles what's wrong?" She asked, her voice full of concern. Riley dropped the phone so that Maya could see. "Riles who is this?" She asked.

"It's a long story, can I trust you?" Riley asked.

"Of course you can." Maya told her.

"So it started in 10th grade when me and Charlie, the guy that texted me, started dating. I was getting bullied but I decided to brush it off. Charlie started getting really controlling, telling me what to wear, who I could and couldn't hang out with and so on. He told me it was because he loved me so I listened to him. Then one day I saw him kissing another girl. I tried to break up with him but then he got abusive. He told me that if I ever tried to break up with him again or told anyone he would hurt me even more. It was constant every time we would hang out, which was everyday, he would hit or abuse me in some way. At that time I was also getting bullied really badly and Charlie did nothing to stop it. That went on for about a year and I finally told my parents and they said that we were moving anyway so that worked out. I told Charlie and he beat me the worst that day. He even had a knife." She showed Maya one of the scars that she had. The blonde one was getting increasingly madder. "And now I'm here and now he's coming and I'm terrified." Riley finished in tears.

     "Oh my God, Riley you don't deserve that. I'll kill him if he ever comes near here." Maya said, also in tears.

     "Thanks Maya and thank you for listening, please don't tell anyone the only people that know are my parents, my uncle Josh, and now you." Riley stated.

     "You don't even have to ask, I would never tell anyone unless you asked me to." Maya said as the girls hugged.

      "Hey peaches, it's almost 4am, we should get some shut eye." Riley said.

     "Yeah I agree. Night peaches love you." Maya told her.

     "Night night. Love you too." Riley said and instantly fell asleep.

Update on a Saturday? Surprise! What do you guys think of Riley's past? Don't be a silent reader, tell me what you think! Thanks for the reads and votes! Love y'all!!

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