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(Pontoon above)
Riley's POV

     After putting my stuff in Maya and my's room I get dressed. I put on my bikini and a t-shirt shorts and my favorite flip flops. We then make our way to the dock to get on the boat. Wow. This boat is huge. It's apparently called a pontoon and it has two stories. There is even a slide off of the deck.

     "Hey dad did you get a tube or jet skis yet?" Maya asked her dad.

     "No, but I did get a wakeboard so we can go wakeboarding." Rodney told Maya who was somewhat disappointed but still excited for wakeboarding.

     "Sweet let's go!" Lucas yelled as we all board the boat. Once we get going Rodney put on some music. It happens to be Rodney Atkins 'if you're going through hell'.  "Hey did y'all know that on Monday they'll set off a bunch of fireworks for Labor Day."

     "That's so cool. I've never done anything even close to this for Labor Day." I say because I really haven't.

    "Alright who wants to wakeboard first?" Katy asks.

     "MEEE" Maya yells while jumping up and down.

     "Has anyone actually wakeboarded before?" Rodney asks. Silence. Apparently no one has. Wow I thought Rodney or Katie would have at least. "That's what I thought. Now from what I've heard, as long as you hold on and don't try to get too fancy, you'll be fine. Lifejacket please." He finished up his mini speech and Maya put on lifejacket and hopped off the boat to swim to the wakeboard that Lucas threw out into the water. Once Maya got on the wakeboard with the little strap around her ankle and grabbed a hold of the rope Rodney took off making Maya almost fall off. Once she was done, she fell off a bunch, it was my turn. I got on the wakeboard and it was super easy. I almost did a 180 but fell. After everybody got a turn, Rodney stopped the boat  and he gave each of us a fishing rod.

     "I don't have my fishing license with me." I stated.

     "You don't need a license on PK." He said simply. We all got to fishing after that. I caught two muskies and three small mouths. It was so much fun. When we got back to the lake house, Rodney taught me how to properly prepare the fish and then cook them. It was all so good. Overall a pretty successful day if I do say so myself.

Sorry I didn't update last week, don't hate me.

I hope y'all liked this chapter, I really liked writing it haha.

One more thing: WERE ALMOST AT 900 VIEWS! That makes me so happy

Love y'all!


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