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Riley's POV
Her boots (well one of them😂)^^^

     It's finally Friday that means game day, which also means I get to go to Possum Kingdom Lake with Lucas and his family, well my whole family does. I put on my uniform and do my hair and put a little makeup on. The cool thing is we learned how to stunt in boots, so we can wear any boots we want as long as they're approved the day before. So I'm wearing my American flag boots, and my top is jersey style that says "Austin High School Cheerleading" with jean shorts. We all have our hair in 2 French braids with orange ribbons at the end. Lucas told me that after this week my top would be changing for games because apparently the seniors on the football team can order jerseys for any cheerleader they want so apparently he ordered me one. Im super excited because there is this bonfire afterwards and I'm super excited. Plus we leave for PK tomorrow. This weekend is going to be so much fun.

     "Hey princess, you ready?" Lucas asks. He's wearing his football jersey making us the most cliché couple at school. Quarterback and head cheerleader.

     "Let's go" I say. The car ride is spent in silence. Not one of those awkward silences where you feel like you have to say something. But one of those silences that is comfortable, the one I enjoy almost as much as I enjoy talking to him. Once we walk into school Missy walks up to us. You can see her stomach to the point where if her dad didn't donate a considerable amount of money to the school- she loves to brag about that at practice- she'd get in trouble.

     "Hey Lucas, like my uniform?" She asks like I'm not even there. Lucas just tightens his grip on my hand and continues walking. "Yeah go drop off your little whore and we'll talk." She says. Lucas abruptly stops walking and turns around.

     "She. Is. Not. A. Whore." He spews through gritted teeth. We then walk to my locker which is down another hallway luckily. "You. Are. Not. A. Whore." He says before kissing me.

     "I know, I don't let that stuff bother me." I say.

     "Good." He says. We then walk to class like nothing happened.

     Something definitely happened.

Definitely a filler chapter. Exiting things coming up!

I'll be updating every Friday and sometimes in between. If I don't update before hand. Happy 4th of July y'all!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Love y'all!!


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