Date Part 3

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     Once we enter the gun range I can tell I'm going to be here a lot. It's just one of those awesome atmospheres that instantly feels like home. Lucas told me that he already reserved two spots right next to each other. We go and shoot for about a half hour, he got more hits on the paper then I did obviously. Once we finished that we went outside and shot clays. I had never shot clays before so I was really bad, only shooting five out of the twenty there. Lucas on the other hand did great. He hit only missed one of them. After that we decided it was time to head to "our next destination" as he put it.

     "You have fun?" He asked me once we got in his truck.

     "Yeah I love it, I can tell I'm going to be there a lot." I told him.

     "Good. Now, we're here." He said.

     We pulled up to a field with a beautiful view. He got a picnic basket from the bed of his truck and laid the blanket down on the grass.

     "It's so gorgeous." I said looking at the view.

     "It sure is." He said while looking at me, making me blush. He's so sweet.

     "So what's for dinner?" I ask him.

     "Some chicken Cesar salad." He tells me.

     "Ok sounds good." I say as he's taking it out of the the basket.

     "So how do you like Texas so far?" He asks me while we're both eating.

     "I like it a lot, I'm a little nervous for school though. This is really good by the way." I tell him. I am actually pretty nervous about school, I just really hope it's better then my old one.

     "Thanks and don't be, I'll be there for you to help you out." He says sweetly.

     "Thanks, I just really hope it's better then my old one." Holy crap did I just say that out loud?

     "What do you mean by that? He questions.

     "Oh, just some mean girls that's all." That's not a total lie, just not the whole truth.

     "Oh well I'll protect you, if anyone has a problem with you they'll have to go through me first." He says protectively. Wow I really like him.

     "Thank you" I say while smiling.

     "No problem, city gal." He says making me laugh. "You ready to go? It's almost your curfew." He adds. Shit I totally lost track of time thank you Lucas.

     "Oh yeah, I lost track of time." I tell him.

     "Well lets go." He said while helping me up. I didn't even realize that he packed up all the stuff.

     "M'lady." He said said while opening my door for me.

     "Thanks." I said. I love how much of a gentleman he is. This just goes to show that chivalry isn't dead.

     We rode in comfortable silence for the five minute ride home. He hopped out of his truck and ran around to my door so he could open it for me. He walked me to my door.

     "I had an awesome time tonight. Thank you." I told him.

     "Anytime sweetheart. Anytime." He replied. I don't know who leaned in first but the next thing I know he is kissing me! And I'm kissing him back!

     "Goodnight." He said when he pulled away.

     "Night, text me when you get home." I told him as I went inside.

     "How was your night?" My dad said scaring the crap out of me.

     "Holy crap dad you scared me. And it was awesome." I told him.

     "Good, if he ever hurts you, you tell me got it?" My dad says.

     "I will." I reply while walking upstairs. I change into some pj's when I hear my phone ding.

I just got home. Had an amazing time tonight. Goodnight and sweet dreams princess.

I had an amazing time too goodnight Lucas

     Holy crap he called me princess. Gosh what it happening to me. I fall onto my bed after plugging in my phone. What a night I think as I fall asleep.

Thanks for reading y'all! Hope y'all liked it! Don't forget to vote and comment. If you have any ideas for future chapters you can either comment them or message me them. Thanks for the reads and votes! Love y'all!!!

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