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     "Peaches get up it's almost 11" Riley yelled while pushing her best friend out of bed.

     "Ow" Maya said when she hit the floor. "What happened"

     "You fell." Riley lied. "Anyway I have to be at the school by noon for the results of tryouts."

     "OK, what's for breakfast?" The blonde asked.

     "Idk, let's go." Riley replied. The girls went downstairs and saw that pancakes were ready.

     "Oh yeah, Riles you and the fam are invited over to my house for dinner tonight." Maya said 

     "Thank you Maya we'll be there, what time?" Topanga asked.

     "Not sure but I'll text Riley when I know." Maya responded.

     "OK thank you." Topanga said.

"Thanks for breakfast mom, I have to go to the school for tryout results at noon so I'm going to go get ready. Peaches let's go." Really said.

Riley wore a red Phillies shirt (yes Phillies, I'm from Philly and I'm a diehard fan) and black spandex, and her black converse. Maya borrowed her plain a blue shirt and Jean shorts. They went to the school and walk into the gym.

Coach Darla read off the names for the JV team and Riley held her breath when she got to the last few names for varsity.

"... Karla James, Darby Walker, Missy Bradford, and, Captain, Riley Matthews." Coach Darla read off. Maya hugged Riley and Riley walked to the front.

"OK I have a sheet here put the name you'd like on your bag and jacket, your Uni size and shoe size on it please. Also if you're a captain/co-captain put that on there too please." Coach told the girls.

Riley walked up and put 'Riley Matthews captain varsity' and her sizes. Then she walked out of the school afterwards I ask her. "I can't believe I got captain!" Riley said as she was sliding into Myers car.

"I can, you're awesome Riles." Maya told her.

"Oh, by the way, be at my house by 530 and bring your swimsuits tonight." The blonde told her best friend.

"Kk" Riley responded.

"Guess who got captain!" Riley exclaimed as she walked into her house.

"That's awesome!" Corey and Topanga both yelled at the same time.

"Oh Maya wants us over there by 530 and she said to bring a swimsuit if we wanted to." Riley told them.

"OK thanks honey." Her mom said.

Hey guys sorry this chapter is so short but I wanted to have the dinner will be a separate chapter. Also, I was thinking about writing a prequel to this book, like when Riley was in New York. Would y'all read that? Anyways hope y'all like it! Don't be a silent reader. Love y'all!!

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