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Third POV
     Riley and her parents walked into the police station and walked up to the desk.

     "Hi, I'd like to place a restraining order on Charlie Gardner." Topanga said.

     "Ok, let me get you the paperwork." The receptionist said.

     "Thank you." Topanga said when she got the paperwork. Tapanga helped Riley to fill out all the paperwork. Once they filled it out and handed it in the lady told him that it would take about 7 to 10 business days to process everything. When they got home Riley's parents told her to take the day off of school and relax. she decided to take a bath. When she got out of the bath she had a few texts.

Hey, how come your not at school?
Well, I hope you feel better.
Maybe if your feeling up to it we could hang out after school.

Hey Riles where ya at?
Your dad told me about the restraining order. I think that's a pretty smart idea. I told Lucas you had a migraine. Love you.

     One text she got she wasn't particularly excited about.

A restraining order is just a piece of paper. Remember that- Charlie

     She decided to just delete it and not worry her parents. She saw that school was almost out so she got dressed and walked up to Lucas' house to surprise him.

     Riley was sitting on the Friar's porch swing when Lucas pulled up.

   "Hey Riles, feeling better?" Lucas asked.

     "Much thank you. Still wanna hang out?" Riley asked hopefully.

     "Let's go." Lucas stated. He seemed much more nervous then usual but Riley just brushed it off. Lucas turned into a big open field. "Let's dance." Lucas turned on the radio and held out his hand for Riley. Carried away by George Strait started to play. "So Riley, I have a question for you." Lucas stated nervously.

     "Go head" Riley said.

     "Will you be my girlfriend." Lucas asked hopefully. Riley hesitated before answering him.

     "I'd love to be your girlfriend Lucas." Riley said.

     "YES! I mean cool" Lucas exclaimed making the brown eyed girl laugh. They continued like this, dancing laughing and talking, till they had to leave.

Hey y'all thanks for reading. Sorry it's short just wanted to get it out there for y'all. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Love y'all!


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