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*Third POV*
After Lucas and Riley's ice cream date Riley decided to go for a run. She has been running for awhile when she saw him. The man who made her life a living hell. Charlie. Gardner. "Shit." She whispered to herself. She instantly dialed Maya- since she was the only one of her new friends that knew about Carlie and what he did.

"Hey Riley, remember me? You think you could run by moving? Think again." Charlie spat.

"Get away from me Charlie." Riley said, loud enough for Maya to hear, that is if she picked up. When she heard this, Maya put herself on mute- so Charlie wouldnt be able to hear her- and grabbed her keys and went to go look for Riley.

"Oh no Riley, not this time." Charlie said, grabbing her arm.

     "Let go of me" Riley yelled.

     "I don't think so. You're coming with me." Charlie told her. Just then a jeep rolled up and the passenger side window rolled down.

     "Riles let's go we're late!" Maya yelled. Riley instantly ran towards the jeep, successfully pulling herself out of Charlie's grasp.

     "Thanks peaches." Riley said once they drove off.

     "No problem Riles. Are you going to tell your parents?" Maya asked.

     "I don't know, should I?" Riley responded.

     "I think you should, with him out there, knowing near where you live? Yeah you should." Maya said.

     "OK I will when I get home. Riley told her. "Hey mom, dad can I tell you something?" Riley said when she walked in the door.

     "What's up buttercup? Topanga asked.

    "Charlie's back." Riley said and everyone stopped.

     "He's what now?" Corey asked.

     "He's back, he tried to get me to go with him when I went for my run. So I called Maya secretly and she came and saved me." Really explained.

     "OK, we need to get a restraining order on him" Topanga said going into fall lawyer mode.

     "OK we can do that in the morning. For now just get some sleep pumpkin, did you have an attack?" Corey questioned.

     "Almost, but I stopped myself, I didn't want him to see how he can affect me." Riley told them.

     "OK good. Get some sleep love you" topanga told her.

     "OK love you too. Riley told them while walking upstairs. DING

You got away tonight but don't worry I'll get you-xoxo Charlie

     This sends her over the edge, from holding it in when she was with Charlie to this text she couldn't take it anymore. Her breathing got quicker and her vision blackened.

     "MOM" she yelled. Her mother instantly ran upstairs. She saw Riley and tried to calm her down.

     "Shhh. It's ok he won't hurt you anymore I promise." Her mother said trying to soothe her. Soon when she fell asleep and her mom went to her room and got ready for bed. "I really hope we can get all this straightened out. I don't want her to fall again." Topanga told her husband.

     "I know, we have to get this squared away." Cory said. "Good night, I love you."

     "I love you too." The lawyer responded and fell asleep.

Hey lovelies! A notha update for y'all! Hope ya like it. And just to clarify when Topanga said "fall again" I meant into depression and anxiety. Don't forget to vote and comment and share! Thanks for reading. Love y'all!!


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