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Riley's outfit^^^
Riley went upstairs and started getting ready for the dinner. She was nervous because she was going to meet Lucas' parents. It would be different if she didn't like Lucas the way she did. After her shower she put on her Duck Commander shirt with her jean shorts and boots. She walked downstairs where her family was waiting for her.

"You ready?" Her mom asked.

"Yep!" She replied. They knocked on the Friar's family door and Maya answered.

"Sup party people. Dinner's grilling and pools out back." Maya said. "Lets go swimming" she said.

"Alright" Riley replied. She walked outside in her bathing suit and saw Lucas wearing something similar.

     "Nice suit." Lucas said eyeing Riley.

     "You too." Riley replied trying not to stare at his abs. She then introduced herself to Maya/Lucas' parents and she, Lucas, and Maya all went swimming. A little bit later Auggie jumped in.

     "Hi, I'm Auggie." He yelled.

     "Hi, Auggie, I'm Lucas." Lucas told him.

      "We've already met right?" Maya asked. Auggie nodded. Maya then whispered something to Auggie and he got on her shoulders. "Chicken fight!" She yelled. Riley got on Lucas, shoulders and they played several rounds- which Riley and Lucas won all of them- till they all got tired.

"Time to get dried off and washed up for dinner." Rodney- Maya and Lucas' father- told them.

"Ok" they all replied in unison. Riley and Maya put on their cover ups while Lucas and Auggie put on shirts. They all sat down at the outdoor table that the Friars had while Corey and Rodney got the food on the table. They had steak, roasted potatoes, and corn. They all got their food on their plates and Rodney prayed for their food. They talked about anything and everything for the next two hours. From why they moved to Texas, to how Rodney, Corey, and Topanga all went to the same high school.

"Well that was fun." Riley said when the Matthews walked into their house.

"I'm glad you had fun." Topanga replied.

"Well I'm very tired so I'm gonna call it a night." Riley said while walking up the stairs.

"Hang on," Topanga said making Riley stop and sit on the steps. "Don't make any plans for Labor Day weekend, we have been invited to Possum Kingdom lake with the Friar family." She said.

"Kk" Riley replied not thinking much of it. She got changed and flopped onto her bed. She decided to call Lucas.

(Italics Riley regular Lucas)

Tonight was so much fun
I know right, what are you doing tomorrow
I have a feeling you're going to tell me
*Lucas chuckled* I'll pick you up at 9:30am don't eat breakfast beforehand
Ok *yawns*
I'll let you get some sleep, goodnight and sweet dreams
Kk night night

With that she fell asleep, excited for tomorrow.

Thanks for reading y'all!
Don't be a silent reader, tell me what you think!
Love y'all!!

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