4 Date Part 2

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Riley's shirt^
Riley POV
"So where are we going?" I ask Lucas

"Somewhere." He says playfully and winks.

"Really? I thought we were going nowhere." I reply sarcastically.

"The sarcasm is strong with this one." Lucas replies referencing Star Wars.

"Star Wars is my favorite movie saga!" I say. (A/N it really is my fave)

"Same here. Which one is your favorite?" Lucas asks me.

"A New Hope." I reply

"That's my favorite, too. List them in order of your favorite to least favorite." He tells me.

"Ok so it goes Episodes IV, then VI, then I, then Rouge one, then V, then VII, then II, then III." I tell him.

"Same here except five and seven are switched. You should come over sometime to watch them with me." He replies.

"That would be pretty fun!" I reply excitedly. "So, seriously where are we going?"? I ask him.

"You'll see." He says back. Then he grabs my hand and puts both our hands on the center console. We sit in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride there.

"The gun range?" I question excitedly.

"Yup, you told me how you always wanted to go to a gun range so here we are." He says.

"This is going to be so much fun, although I've never been to a gun range before." I say to him.

"Well, have you ever shot a gun before?" He questions.

"Well duh. My dad taught me when I was younger, everyone should know how to shoot a gun." I tell him.

"OK good, it's just like target practice, just a little different." He says.

"OK." I replied when he hands me a gun. "Thanks, if I would have known I would have brought my own." I tell him.

"No problem, it just means we'll have to come again sometime." He says sounding somewhat hopeful.

"I guess so." I say nervously. I am so nervous right now.

"Are you ready?" He asked while grabbing my hand.

"Let's go!" I say.

A/N Sorry this is so short but I just wanted to get it out there for y'all. What y'all think? Let me know! Thanks for the reads and votes! Love y'all!


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