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Monday night
Riley POV
     Today has been super fun. Right now I am helping to set up mine and Maya's tent for the night. Once we all set up our tents the 'rents in one, me and Maya and another, Lucas and his dog tent. We all laid on blankets in the grass and waited for the fireworks to start.

Wednesday morning
Lucas POV

     This past weekend was so much fun. I can't believe Riley loves me too.

     "Hey Lucas, I missed you yesterday. Did you have fun?" Eye roll.

     "Hi Missy yes, I had a lot of fun" I said turning around to face her. She was trying way to hard.

     "I could have made it a lot more fun." She said while winking. Gag.

     "No, I had a great time without you, Riley and I even got our own time on the boat." I told her.

"Riley was with you?!" She asked flippantly.

"Yes, I mean she is my girlfriend. Is that a problem?" I ask her, my patience decreasing.

"Well, wouldn't you like to be with someone a little, well, more?" She asks.

"What the fuck do you mean by more?" I as her getting more and more angry by the second.

"You know, a little more experienced. A little more sexy" she said. I bout blew my lid.

"Riley is perfect to me. She is more then enough for me. I love her. She doesn't try to hard, she's actually nice to people. She isn't all over every guy in the school. She is the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in my entire life. She's absolutely perfect in every way. I love her with everything inside me." I told Missy. Every word I said was one hundred percent the truth. Missy just buffed and walked away.

"Hey babe!" I heard Riley say.

"Hey princess!" I said turning around. I then pushed her up against the lockers and kissed her passionately.

"Ahem!" I heard Zay cough but I ignored him. He did it again and I flipped him off. "Yo Lucas." I reluctantly pulled away from Riley.

"What the hell man?" I yelled and Riley giggled.

"Yo, calm down, we are still in school. Guess what?" He said then I heard Riley squeal excitedly.Riley then walked up to Zay.

            "Listen Punk, you hurt my peaches, I will chop off your balls and choke you with them." She said. I finally caught on. Zay finally asked out Maya. It's about damn time.

            "Yeah don't hurt my little sister or I'll crush you, I don't care that you're my best friend." I told him. He threw his hands up in surrender.

            "Alright, alright calm down. I wont hurt her. Scouts honor." He said. The bell rung signaling the beginning of class.

            "Bye y'all. I love you Riley." I said kissing Riley.

            "I know." She said quoting out favorite movie.


Time Skip

Friday night
Riley's POV

            It's Friday night and I'm about to leave for the game tonight. I'm driving myself tonight cuz I wanted too. I do hope Lucas and I will go to the bonfire tonight though. I really want to experience that. My parents and brother are in Philly until Monday so I have the house to myself till then. As I'm leaving, I feel a bag over my head and hands around my arms dragging me to an unknown location. I try to scream but the bag over my head and hand over my mouth don't let me. I feel like the bag over my head and the hand over my mouth are a bit much but ya know. This is not the time for joking. Isn't anyone watching?

            "Get in" I hear an oddly familiar voice say.

            "Charlie?!" I yell once his had comes off my mouth. The bag is removed and my suspicion is confirmed. I then see I'm in some sort of SUV by the looks of it I'm thinking it's a Dodge Durango but I'm not sure. How has no one seen? I mean come on.

            "That's right princess, now, you scream, you die." He says menacingly. He then gets in and we drive off. I feel that my phone is still in my pocket and I reach and grab it. I quickly dial 1-Lucas. He answers almost immediately.

            "Hey baby." He says and luckily Charlie doesn't hear. I shush him and look for street signs.

            "So, Charlie. Why are we turning onto Haliday Road?" I question trying to sound casual.

            "Because, you belong to me now. Why are you asking?" He replies. I hear some frantic sounding shuffling and what sounds like jingling of keys.

            "I'm coming for you Riley." He whispers. I'm praying Charlie didn't hear that.

            "Were here" he says in a mock singsong voice.

            "Wow, 356 Juniper Drive. Looks nice," I say. He nods and I quickly slip my phone in my pocket still on the phone with Lucas. Charlie is such and idiot; didn't he think to make sure I didn't have my phone? I mean I'm glad he didn't just, shouldn't he be smarter then that. We go inside and this place just looks like a normal house, except very, and I mean very clean. Like the in-laws are coming clean. We then enter a room and I gasp. My face is plastered everywhere. Wait... I wore that yesterday. HE'S BEEN STALKING ME????? I hear a door open from behind me and Charlie immediately grabs me by my neck and holds a knife against my throat. Holy fuck. I'm terrified. Then I see Lucas and I feel a bit safer. But Charlie still holding me prevents me from feeling completely safe.

            "Oh Lucas, so unprepared." I froze. Shit. Lucas didn't have any weapons or anything.

            "Actually I'm not." He says then 2 policemen walk into the room. Thank God.

           "Drop the weapon now" the policeman demands. Charlie immediately drops it and lets go of me. Coward. I instantly run into Lucas' waiting arms. I faintly hear the cops reading Charlie his rights and ushering him outside. My hold on Lucas only tightens.

            "Its okay my love, he's going away for a long time." He tells me.

            "Thank you" I choke out between sobs. I didn't even realize I was crying.

Thanks for reading!

I'll update when I can no promises!

Love yall!!❤️


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