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Riley's POV

     Did I just hear him right? Did he say he loves me? "What?" I asked.

     "I said I don't want you getting hurt?" He said although it came out as more of a question.

     "No, before that." I told him wanting to hear it again.

     "I said I love you." He told me looking at the ground. "I know that we just started dating and we don't even know each other for that long-"

     "Shut up" I giggled "I love you too" I told him truthfully.

     "I know you probably think it's just too soon but I couldn't help myself- wait, what did you just say?" He asked making me laugh.

     "I said I love you too." I said. He immediately got up and kissed me. His arms snaking around my waist while mine go around his neck in an earth shattering kiss. God I love this boy. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I decided to tease him a bit and not give it to him. He groaned and bit my lip making me gasp and he took full advantage of that and pushed his tongue into my mouth.

     "You know," he said when we pulled apart. "I wouldn't mind having sex on this boat." He said half joking making me blush. "Kidding love." He said. I got the feeling he wasn't totally kidding though. Not this time. "Now," he said. "Let's go up on the deck." He said.

     "Wow," I said when we laid down. You could see stars as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful.

     "I know." He said. "I always try to do this when we come down here." He told me. "I can't wait to camp over there tomorrow night." He said pointing to a small island about 500 yards ahead.

     "We are gonna camp tomorrow night? What about school on Tuesday?" I ask.

     "We always camp on Labor Day. We don't go to school on Tuesday. Don't worry your parents already know." He told me.

     "Okay." Was all I said. We sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the night.

     "Goodnight princess, I love you." He said when we got back to my room.

     "Goodnight babe, I love you too." I told him. We kissed and I went into my room for the night.

Def. a filler.

Sorry for not uploading on Friday, I've been super busy but I'll try to upload this Friday. No promises tho.

Love y'all!!



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