Telling Lucas

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"LETS GET FIRED UP DO IT AHS. LETS GET FIRED UP DO IT AHS. LETS GET FIRED UP DO IT AHS!" I yell in a stunt. We cradle and spirit. School went well and I blocked the numbers that Charlie was using to text me so hopefully that'll help. I still keep my pocket knife on me at all times. Even in school. Shhh.

"Squad defense!" I yell to the girls. The band plays along and the crowd chants with us. Some fans even have a big letter D and a fence. I love this feeling that I get during games. Next week we have our first pep rally and then the following week is homecoming. I'm so excited.

The game went by rather quickly. We won 21-3. Hopefully this is how the season will go, at least homecoming. It sucks to lose during homecoming. "Great game babe!" I say as I kiss Lucas when he comes out of the locker room.

"Thanks. You ready for the bonfire?" He asks when we get in his truck.

"As long as you show me around." I say while laughing.

"Of course princess." He says. I love it when we calls me princess. I think I'm falling for him. A door opening pulls me out of my thoughts. I then see something that terrifies me. Cold blue eyes. Charlie. He sees me and gives me a look like he's gonna hurt me.

"Can-can we go?" I ask fear evident in my voice.

"Sure, what's wrong?" He asks while getting in and starting his truck, his voice full of concern.

"I'll tell you when we're completely alone. Can we go somewhere?" I ask him.

"Sure. We'll go where we did on our first date." He says holding my hand.


     "Ok princess, what's wrong?" He asks while we sit in the bed of his truck.

     "Well when we got there, I saw Missy with my ex-boyfriend Charlie. When we were dating, he cheated on me." I say. I see him start to get angry but he doesn't say anything so I tell him everything Charlie did to me. By the time I'm done, I'm in tears and he's holding me.

     "You know I'll always protect you right? No matter what that cowardice dickhead has to say." He says. I just nod in response not trusting my words. "Now, if you'll get in the truck, I have some ass to kick. More like beat the living daylights out of him." He says while we get in his truck.

     "Babe, I've already got a restraining order on him. Plus I don't want to to get in trouble." I tell him.

     "I don't care, he hurt my princess. He deserves a whoppin." Awwww.

     "No Lucas. I just wanna go home. Please." I say.

     "Fine. But for the record I want to kill him." He says

     "I know you do. But frankly I don't wanna have to bail you out of jail. I'm saving for a Jeep." I say making him chuckle. When we get to my house we hang out in my room for a bit. With the door open of course.

     "Alright babygirl, I have to go. You should get some sleep. We have to leave by 6:30 tomorrow morning." He says after awhile.

     "6:30?!" I yell. "I ain't even packed yet." I say.

     "Well then I guess you'd better wake up early then. Don't worry, I'll call you to make sure your up when I get up." He says. "Goodnight princess"

     "Goodnight babe." I tell him as he leaves. I fall asleep thinking about how I'm falling for Lucas Friar. But I've only known him for like a week. How is that possible?

Hey y'all! Hope y'all like! What do you think about Lucas' reaction? Riley falling for him?? Let me know!!

Love y'all!!



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