Not Lucas

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Missy's POV (different, I know)

            "Those hoes are stealing our guys Nat!" I tell her. I hate them so much.

            "I know." She says with just as much anger as me. "I've got it!" She squeals.

            "What?" I ask excitedly.

            "Well get one of daddy's goons to kidnap them, then Lucas and Nate will have to move on and we'll be right there." She says mischievously.

            "I love it!" We race down the steps, well not run because EW, sweat. "Hey daddy, can Natile and I borrow one of your goons? It's for school." I say, leaving out the whole kidnapping part.

            "Sure, numbers are on the table in the foyer." He says sounding distracted.

            "Thanks daddy!" Natile says. We then go to the foyer and pick out the guy with the scariest sounding name and invite him over.

            "So, let me get this straight," The goon whose name is Scar says. "You want me to kidnap two teenage girls because they are dating your crushes?" he asks. When he says it that way he makes us sound like horrible people.

            "Yep!" Nat says.

            "How much are you going to pay me?" He asks.

            "However much you want." I tell him hoping he'll agree.

            "One million, in cash, all up front." He says

            "What?" Nat screams. "That's like what daddy gives us for clothes and makeup for like four months."

            "What she means is okay." I say quickly. "You'll get your money when we see that you have gotten them." I say.

            "No." He says. "I want my money now or no deal."

            "Fine. We'll just get someone else to do it. No problem" I tell him.

            "Nope. I'll go to the cops and get you two arrested for attempted kidnapping." He says.

            "Missy I'm too pretty for jail." Natile tells me.

            "Fine." I give in. "Let me go get money from the bank. Nat go get me daddy's bank card." I say and she gets it for me. "Entertain him." I tell her. I go to the bank and pull out one million; the people at the bank give me weird looks. "I'm going to Paris and need money" I lie. They just shake their heads and give me the money.

            "Here" I say to the goon when I get back to the house.

Riley's POV

            I wake up and instantly feel weird. Like something is off. I brush it off figuring that it's just that feeling when mom and dad aren't home. Mom was called in for a case in Philly and my dad went with her to visit his parents. Why they didn't think to take us I don't know.  Suddenly I hear a loud scream from Avery's room. I run to her room to see what's wrong. I see her standing on her bed. "What's wrong Avery?" I ask her.

            "There's a spider!" she yells. I look at her dumbfounded.

            "You screamed bloody murder for a freaking spider?" I say to her.

            "You know I hate spiders." She says to me. I move further into her room to kill it when it moves. I scream and jump on the bed with Avery.

            "You say anything and I'll make the spider crawl all over you." I say to her then I dial Lucas.

            "Good mornin' beautiful." He says.

            "Yeah, yeah, whatever can you come kill a spider?" I ask him

            "And you can't kill it why?" He asks.

            "Cause it's scary and it moved. Plus, you're the boyfriend you're supposed to do the spider killing." I tell him.

            "Alright I'll be right there." He says. My parents gave his parents a key so when they are gone his parents can check on us. We hear the door open. Wow that was fast.

            "Avery's room" I yell. I hear two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs which is weird considering it's 9am on a Saturday, Maya and Cass aren't up yet. It must be Nate. "It's under the bed somewhere." I say when I hear them enter. "Wait. You're not Lucas." I say to the two huge men standing in Avery's doorway.

            "That's right" Is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

Oh snap! What do you think will happen? Will Lucas get there in time to save the girls? Will he be too late?
            Thank y'all so much for reading! WE HIT 2K!!!!! Thank you so much I can't believe my story is at 2k readers. I seriously love y'all so so much.
~Abbz ❤️🦅🇺🇸💋

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