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Lucas' POV

"Wow this is so beautiful." Riley says while looking at the sunset over the lake. I like my view much better though.

     "Yeah, but it's nothing compared to you." I tell her, truth lacing in every word. Should I tell her that I'm in love with her? No, I don't want to scare her off.

     "Bla bla bla." Is all she says before sauntering towards the backyard for a campfire.

     "Hey, why don't you and Lucas sing? I've heard your quite the singer and Lucas plays the guitar." I hear my mom say once we all sit down. She then grabs my guitar from behind her and hands it to me. I start to strum the opening chords of Troubadour by George Strait. Riley's angelic voice starts to fill the air.

(Bold- Lucas Italics- Riley Bold and italics- Both  Underline- Everyone)

I still feel 25 most of the time.
I still raise a little cain with the boys.
Honky Tonks and pretty women,
But Lord I'm still right there with 'em
Singing above the crowd and the noise...

Sometimes I feel like Jesse James
Still tryin' to make a name.
Knowing nothing's gonna change what I am.
I was a young troubador
When I wrote in on a song.
And I'll be an old troubador when I'm gone...

Well the truth about a mirror...
Is that a damn old mirror...
Don't really tell the whole truth.
It don't show what's deep inside.
Or read between the lines.
And it's really no reflextion of my youth...

Sometimes I feel like Jesse James
Still tryin' to make a name.
Knowing nothing's gonna change what I am.
I was a young troubador
When I wrote in on a song.
I'll be an old troubador when I'm gone...

I was a young troubador
When I wrote in on a song.
And I'll be an old troubador when I'm gone...
I'll be an old troubador when I'm gone...

     Everyone claps when we finish. For the rest of the night we all talk, sing, laugh, and eat s'mores. I can honestly say this is the most fun I've had in so long. I already asked my dad and tomorrow I get to take Riley out on the boat after dark, just the two of us, I can't wait.

Riley's POV

     After the campfire Maya and I went up to our room. We haven't really had time to just ourselves because of me always being with Lucas. I am really hoping we have some much needed girl talk tonight.

     "I feel like we haven't talked in forever." Maya says voicing my thoughts.

     "I was just thinking that" I tell her.

     "So, you know Zay." She says.

     "Yeah, he's like my big brother." I tell her.

     "Well, I really like him. Like like him like him." She all but squeals.

     "Awwww. You should tell him! I'm almost positive he likes you too!" I tell her excitedly. She looks so in love. Well, they have known each other for a while. Though, that doesn't mean much, I mean I haven't known Lucas that long and I'm in love with him. Wait... did I just say love?

     "Riles." Maya says breaking me out of my thoughts. "Welcome back." She giggles. " I'm gonna go to sleep I'm pretty tired." She says.

     "Ok goodnight peaches, love you." I tell her.

     "Night night, love you too." Is all I hear before I'm out.


Lucas POV

Today has been so fun. We went out on the boat again and we were all swimming, jumping off the top, going down the slide and all around just having a good time. But now it's my Riley time. I'm currently standing in the hallway waiting for her. When I told her we would be taking the boat out jut the two of us, she got so excited. We just have to be back by midnight and it's only 9:30 so I have a lot of Riley time.

"Hey gorgeous. You ready?" I ask her. She's got on her boots, shorts. And a t-shirt. I love how she never tries too hard. I brought my football sweatshirt just in case she gets cold. Really, I just want to see her in my sweatshirt.

"Let's go." She says. Once we get on the boat I sit in the captains chair and pat my knee for her to sit in my lap. She obliges. Once we get past the no wake zone I stop the boat.

"Please put on a life jacket." I tell her.

"But whyyyy?" She whines.

"Because I love you and I don't want you getting hurt." I say. Wait what did I just say? Oops.

Thanks for reading!

Love y'all!!


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