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     "Riles, you ok?" Lucas asked the brown eyed girl noticing her quickened breathing. Seeing him again brought back so many memories, and not the good kind. Her breathing was faster, her heart was beating faster, and her eyes went wide.

     "Um yeah I'm fine." Riley lied.

     "No, your breathing got faster and your eyes went wide, so I'd say that's not fine." Lucas replied in a concerned tone.

     "I just saw something that brought back some bad memories, I'll be fine." She said hoping to sound convincing.

     "Ok, just know that I'll protect you and if you ever want to talk I'm here for ya." He replied as they were pulling into her driveway. She nodded as he opened her door.

     "Today was fun" she told him.

     "Yes, it was I'll text you later Riles." He replied kissing her forehead.

     "Bye Lucas." She said while walking into her house.

*next morning*

     Riley woke up to her alarm and immediately went to get dressed. She put on a nice light brown dress with her black boots. She brushed her teeth, grabbed her Bible, and ran downstairs.

     "Everybody ready?" Corey said when he saw his daughter saunter into the room.

     "Yep" they all said in unison. They rode to their new church in silence.

     "Hey I didn't know y'all came here." A voice said behind Riley making her jump.

     "Yeah my parents came here when the were house hunting" she replied.

     "I'll show you the ropes, by the way youth group is on Wednesday, you should come it's a lot of fun, I think you'll like it." Lucas said.

     "Sounds good to me." She replied as they were walking into the church. After the service they all went to the Matthews' household to watch some pre-season football.

Thanks for reading y'all! Tell me what ya think so I can improve! Sorry it's short I've kind of hit a road block but I have a lot of stuff planed for this book. Hope y'all like it. Love y'all!!!

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