Prince and princesses

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Riley POV
Big time skip

I can believe that it is already Homecoming week. This year is already going by so fast. Charlie finally got locked up for trying to kidnap me. I still have nightmares but they are few and far between and are getting more and more rare. I can't wait for Friday and Saturday. Friday is the pep rally, powder puff game, parade and bonfire. And Saturday is the game. (That is how my school did homecoming so that's how I'm doing it) I find it odd how we don't have a homecoming dance but Lucas said that it's because too many people went to the bonfire and not enough people went to the dance so they just cancelled it. (That's what happened at my school) Today we find out the homecoming princes and princesses. Honestly I don't want to even be nominated, it's just a stupid crown. I could go get one from dollar tree if I wanted.

     "Hey babe you ok? You seem kinda zoned out." Lucas says breaking me out of my thoughts.

     "Yeah just thinking." I tell him.

     "Care to elaborate?" He asks.

     "Just thinking about how it's already homecoming I feel like I just moved in." I tell him.

     "I know, but it's only October and I have plenty of fall dates planned." He says

     "Oh yeah? Like what?" I ask him.

     "It's a surprise." He tells me.

     "I was afraid you'd say that." I say to him while giggling.

     He just scoffs and the rest of the ride to school is silent.

     When we get to school there is a big table in the lobby. "GIVE NOW TO HELP VICTIMS OF HURRICANES HARVEY, IRMA, AND MARIA." The sign on the table says. I still can't believe there has been three record breaking hurricanes inside of a month and a half. It's crazy. Lucas and I both drop ten bucks in the bucket. It's not much but at least it's somethin. Our church is trying to get a group to go to either Florida or Puerto Rico and help out.

     "We should go on a date tonight." Lucas says to me as we enter first period.

     "I can't I work." I tell him. I recently got a job at Cracker Barrel and I love it.

     "You always work." He whines. He's so damn adorable.

     "It's called I need money. Plus I have this whole weekend off for homecoming so I'm working this whole week." I say to him.

     "Fine." He says as the announcements start to play.

     "And now you nominees for homecoming king and queen. For king, Isiah Babineaux, Brantley Michales (I made him up haha) and Lucas Friar. And for queen, Missy Bradford, Darby Walker, and Riley Matthews. Congratulations and good luck!" Ug I so do not want to win. Too much attention.


Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't updated in so long I've been having serious writers block so any suggestions would be super appreciated!

Love y'all!


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