Untitled Part 23

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Walking inside I could feel the air conditioner on and i had to say, it was hot.

"mom! I'm home"

"i'm in the kitchen. WHo got you here? you didn't walk, right?"

"no mom, I got a ride."


"a boy."

"what's his name

"layne Brooks"

"sounds familiar."

she shooed me off with her hand and I walked downstairs to my room. 

My room was the largest room in the house. It was made to be a master bedroom, but Mom told me I could have it because she needed to be close to Raeghan. It had grey walls with my bed in the middle. It was kind of a grey and light pink theme. the vanity in the corner had thousands of makeup stuff on it. There was a master bathroom connected to it. It was nice and it was all I needed. it was basic and I liked it. 

I put my cheer bag on the floor and layed on the bed and turned on the 70 inch tv that my Grandma on Nickś side bought me for my birthday last year. 

I flipped through the list of recorded series and found ANTM. It had the last 7 episodes recorded.

I started on Cycle 21 and was in a commercial break when My phone went off. I looked to see that it was Layne, and he was trying to facetime me. 

I answered and when he saw my face, he smiled and said



"what are you doing?"

"watching T.V. whata bout you?"


"about what?"

"are you busy busy?"

"no why?"

"I wanna come over. My parents are fighting again."

I completely understood his pain. When I was 10, My parents would fight all the time. Then, when my parents split, mom married Nick, who was a orthodontist. he was basicly rich and Loved us kids, so we got a bigger house and naturally get whatever we ask for. 

"come on over. my mom is cooking supper. just knock and ask for me. Ill be down here. She won't mind."

he nodded and I watched him get up. I could her his parents yelling in the background and tuned it out.  sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all. 

he got into his truck and put his phone where I could see him and the wheel, possibly on the dashboard. He drove for a couple minutes until I said

"do your parents fight like that often?"

"yeah, sometimes during the night, and it's not that easy to sleep."

"yeah, I feel your pain, my parents did that when I was younger."

"your parents are divorced now, right?" he said with a crack in his 

I try to say it as nicely as possible.

"yeah, but when people fight they do it to come to a solution."

"sometimes." he said as I hear his big truck motor pull up to my house. 

"I'm gonna let you go. Good luck."

"wait what is that supposed to m-"

I hang up laughing at him and I can hear him upstairs and can't help but giggle.

"hello?" says my mother

"hi. I'm Layne. I'm looking for Maci?"

"yes, she's downstairs."

"smells delicious in here!"

"thank you, Layne. It's Chicken Fajitas."

"fa what now?"



"fa-gei tas."



"you got it! Maci's downstairs."

"thanks you Mrs. Roberts."

I heard him coming downstairs and thought it would be a good idea to scare him. I opened my door and hid behind it. I heard him walk in and say


I jumped out and he jumped and grabbed me by the waist and I screamed. He ran over to my bed and took my hands and pinned them above my head with one hand and tickled me with the other. I squirmed and laughed and squealed

"Layne!!"I whined "stop it!!"

"stop what?"

I ended up rolling off the bed and fell onto the floor with a hard thund.

"you okay?" layne asked, looking at me while laying on my bed. His face was inches from mine.  I look into his eyes and get lost in them for a while.

"dinner's ready!!" mom yells from upstairs.

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