Untitled Part 6

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I'm guessing we took a long way around because we took a left turn down an unknown road and started driving home. we would go down this road on occasions. I looked at the road. it had some large, pretty, high-dollar houses every one in a while. I looked out the window and tried to block out Abby's horrible singing. When you think of Abby, you think of a little girl who's super sweet, but let me tell you. She's the complete opposite. She's meaner than the devil and when she's around adults. she acts like a complete angel and ALWAYS gets her way. if she asks for something, she gets it. when I ask, she get's it. She's ugly. I mean UGLY. you see, she has buck teeth that look like a god knows what. we call her beaver-bunny.

However, I was impressed that nobody had noticed my watch. I would flip it a couple times and play around with it, but nobody would notice. I guess they didn't care, but it was a good thing.

when we arrived at the house, I rushed inside and put my stuff down on the steps of my room. I flipped my watch and was playing around on it when Abby came in and said:

"what are you doing?"


"is that an apple watch? If that's an apple watch I'm gonna faint."

"it is."

"can I play with it?"

she'll break it.


"please?! I've never seen one before and I really really really wan-"

"yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. you want to just touch it and see it and play with it. News flash beaver-bunny, it's mine. I bought it and you can't have it. I finally have something you don't. boohoo, boohoo, boohoo."

she looked as if she was about to cry. . . and I could care less. she storms out and I start to think.

"little beaver-bunny's a tattle tale. She's gonna go in there and tell her, then I'm gonna get it searched from top to bottom and my parents know nothing about technology these days. Then Amber will make me take it off and let Abby play with it."


told you so.


"get in here."

I walked into the kitchen. The sound of amber's voice sounded like the exact one from cinderella's evil stepmother off of every cinderella movie i swear.


"what's that?"

"apple watch?"

"SHE WON'T LET ME PLAY WITH IT!!" abby cried as she chimed in.

"it's mine. besides, I have to take a shower." I said walking out.

I ignored amber telling me to drop the attitude and mouthed to myself

"lalalalalalalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaa!!! I can't hear you!! lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!"

it sounded like a opera and sounded so good in my head I decided to sing it out loud.


if I could be the barber of Seville, maybe this week won't be as bad as I thought.

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