Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Saturday Night

Claire POV

I walked into my house, still very annoyed from that afternoon with Niall. OMG I hated him he was just trying to lead me on which I never liked. I believe that you should only go after people who you’re actually liked not, NOT lead people on and then be like I DON’T LIKE YOU!!

 "What did you say honey?" My dad asked.

SHIT did I say that out loud?

"Oh, ummm… nothing!" I replied. I never told my parents about Jason or Niall.

"Ok, but you know you can always come to me if you need something, right?" My Dad said.

"I know dad! So umm what’s for dinner?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Oh did mom not tell you? Well were going out for dinner just us two with another couple for my work!" He said.

"Oh is it that couple you went out with last week with?" I asked. They seem to always go out with the same couple, which I don’t really mind because like I LOVE STAYING HOME ALONE.

"Umm, yes it is. They are very nice people. You can invite over Alex if you want; so you’re not home alone!" He asked. He knows I like to stay home and I don’t go out a lot.

"Umm, Ya I was just about to call her do you think she can sleep over?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

"Ya. Sure!" He yelled from the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack for my dinner.  I looked through the fridge and of course there was nothing I could eat. So I guess I will just have to order some pizza. YUM. I sat down on the couch to call Alex.

I phoned.

"Helllooooooo CLAIRE!!" she yelled into the phone.

"Hey alllexx. You want to sleep over?" I asked

"YES. I’ll be there in 5." She yelled.

I hung up the phone and thought I should order the pizza.

I got off the phone with the pizza place. I ordered 1 large with just cheese.

<2 Mins Later. >

Alex ran into my house. She must have known where the key was. Great now I need a new hiding place. She ran to give me a hug.

"So what do you want to do?" She asked.

"Umm we could watch a movie, by the way I ordered pizza." I laughed.


"Umm… from Paul’s Pizza. Why?" I asked looking confuzzled.

"Claire, you know who works there right?" She asked.

OMG who works there? The doorbell rang. I guess I will find out. I ran to get my money and ran to the door. Just before I opened the door, I heard Alex yell. ‘Niall does’ Just as I opened the door to see the biggest asshole in the world.  SHIT WHAT WHY ME?

"Hi, I’m from Paul’s Piz--- Claire?" Niall said. He grinned. Great now he knows where I live.

"OMG, Can’t you just leave me alone?" I yelled.

"You ordered pizza, LOVE!" He laughed. He is just so annoying. I hate the fact that he shows up everywhere I go. I just can't get a break anymore.

"Ok, here is your money give me the pizza and GOODBYE." I yelled.

"I will only give you the pizza if you let me in!" He stated.

"OMG, FINE!" I said annoyed. I knew I would never win the battle.

He walked in. and looked around. OMG I wish he would leave. He is just so annoying to have in my life. I wish he would never speak to me. He acted like he was all that which I also hated.

"Where are all the pictures of me, Love?" He asked laughing. I looked at him grabbed the pizza, handed him the money. I brought him to the door.  ‘Why would I have a picture of someone I can’t stand?’ I Yelled before I kicked him out. Right as the door shut I heard him laugh so hard.


Alex POV

As Niall walked in, I looked at Claire she hated him why would she let him in? Do you think maybe that she likes him? Wait no that’s impossible she would never go down the road of a flirt again. I know she thinks he hot but she told me time and time again that she would never like him like that. I know how she feels and I now know how Niall feels.


"Not if you don’t give me a hug!" He stated. "Ok." She said right before she got up and left.

"I really don’t like that girl." Niall asked.

"YOU’RE AN ASS." I said before I got up to go follow Claire.

I walked beside Bess. Thinking. "I know Claire doesn’t like him at all but like while he hugged her. They looked really cute together. I knew that she would never like him but they have so much in common they would be perfect together." I whispered to Bess. She nodded and smiled.


"Alex, you there?" Claire asked.

"Um, Ya I was just think about something!" I said. Great now she was going to ask me what I was thinking about. We told each other everything.

"About what?" She asked.

"Oh umm about what movie we should watch." I lied.

"Oh I was thinking maybe GREASE!" She yelled. I knew she would say that. It happens to be her favourite movie. We put the movie on and cuddled up with are pillows.

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now