Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Niall POV

So I’m snogging with the girl from next door, when all of a sudden I hear a door slam, and someone running up the stairs crying. I stopped snogging and looked at the girl I didn’t even catch her name.

‘"Umm… I’ll be right back, beautiful!" I said to whatever her name was, all I know it she’s hot.

I ran upstairs to Claire’s room she was crying. I knocked on the door.

"Who… is … it?" She said crying still.

"It’s Niall" I said.

"GO AWAY!" She yelled. What's up her ass?

"Not till you open the door." I said calmly.

I heard footsteps and then the door unlock. I saw her on her bed crying into her pillow.

"What happened?" I asked looking at her. She was completely red from crying and her eyes were really puffy and red.

"WHY DO YOU OUT OF ALL PEOPLE CARE?" She yelled from her bed. Why did I care?

"Well I’m snogging this gorgeous girl and I don’t want to hear crying in the background … ya!" I said

"OMG JUST LEAVE YOU OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M GOING THROUGH! You’re doing it to me to so you can’t understand!" She said crying into her pillow some more.

I left.

As I was walking down stairs I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it.

"Hi, my name is Jason and I would like to see my girlfriend, Claire!" He said looking at me. Girlfriend?

"Umm…your dating Claire?" I asked.

"Are you her brother or any relative?" He asked.

"No, I'm her… umm…roommate." I said. Who is this prick? I don't even know him and I already hate him.

"Oh well then no I’m not her boyfriend I only fake date her because I know she likes me. So I annoy her and lead her on, and when I need her I use her." He said grinning evilly.

HOLY FUCK. That’s what she meant when she said I’m doing it to her to. She’s crying cause I… I mean we lead her on.

Then it hit me:


I’m an Asshole.

"So…umm is she here?" He asked.

"No… she umm went out with her friends for the night try tomorrow!" I said and before he could answer I closed the door.

Claire POV

I walked down stairs to go get some food because I started to fell hungry.

I heard Niall at the door. He was talking to Jason. OMG NO HE WAS GONNA LET HIM AND THEN I WOULD DO WHAT I NORMALLY DO. I would forgive him and then 2 weeks later we would FAKE date again.

"So…umm is she here?" Jason asked.

"No… she umm went out with her friends for the night try tomorrow!" Niall said and before he could answer he closed the door.

Did Niall just lie?

But why did he lie?

I wanted to thank Niall for doing that. I decided I should. ‘Thanks Niall.’ I said and then I ran up-stairs again and cried some more to my pillow.


The Next day

I decided to stay home from school. I didn’t want to see Jason again.

I walked into the kitchen around 10 am. I was pretty early for me but I couldn’t sleep cause I went to bed around 8 pm last night.

I heard a knock at the door.

I went to open it.

It was JASON.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I’m sorry Claire can we just be friends?" He said. I couldn’t help but look into his eyes. They were a nice brown.

"Sure!" I said not looking at his eyes anymore. He walked into my house. We watched a scary movie. I was never a fan of scary cause I tend to get really scared.

"So…umm who is the boy Niall? Your actual boyfriend?" He asked out of the blue.

"No he is just umm…living here for 4 months, and no he is not my boyfriend!" I said looking down. For some reason that sentence made me sad?

"Well he seemed to really care enough about you to lie to me!" He said.

"What?" I asked.

"I knew you were here I saw you at the stairs when he said you were out!" He said looking into my eyes.

I keep looking into his eyes. He was cute. I did still really like him. "Would you Claire consider actually being my girlfriend?" He asked.

These words were something I always wanted to hear from him. "Yes." I said.

He then leaned in. I also leaned in to. We kissed. This was something I wanted to do since I was in grade 7. There was no passion in this kiss, it just seemed like hunger. I didn’t feel a spark.

Just then I saw Niall in the door way. He saw me kiss him.

Niall POV

I saw her kiss him. I heard the conversation. About me and when he asked her to be his girlfriend I heard it all. I walked up to my room. I closed the door and laid down on my bed. I slowly fell asleep and that last thing I remember was thinking…

Oh how I wish that was me


Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now