Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


Liam’s House

‘You mean you guys didn’t go to prom?’ Liam asked. No we didn’t because they were on the tour.

‘No, you guys were on tour!’ I pouted.

‘Ya but you were dating that dumbass Josh then.’ He said.

‘Ya well he never asked. Fucken ass but I don’t really care cause I love you!’ I said happily. He lit up when I said it. He is amazayn. I swear I love him so much.

‘You know you’re amazing, and I Love You so much!’ He said kissing me lightly on the lips. God I loved his kisses they were perfect. They were the best in the world.

‘God, I love you’re kisses.’ I said to him.

‘Oh, you do now!’ He said grinning. ‘What about when I tickle you?’ He asked.

‘No!’ I said to him. He better not tickle me. I hate it. But I love him. Jesus he is beautiful. I just sat there and stared into his beautiful brown eyes. I love them. I loved him. I’m glad he wrote the song about me. I’m glad I ran to Dublin for the interview.

‘You said you loved me since we were 11? Why didn’t you tell me?’ I asked. I was still confused.

‘Tam I loved you so much then I was too afraid that you did love me back…’ He said sadly. But I did love him and he knew that everyone new that.

‘But everyone new I loved you and they all told me you didn’t love me back…’ I said. I tried holding back tears. I remember the day that they told me he didn’t love me.


First Day of Grade 9

I was just walking down the hallway. There I saw Liam…he was with his friends… Niall, Louis, and Harry. (if you’re wondering where Zayn is he didn’t join the school until grade 11 and met Bess that day) They didn’t really like me. I went to school with them. I was bullied by them. Not so much Liam because we were friends before but by Niall, Louis, and Harry a lot more. I had no friends I had no one.

‘Hey Liam.’ I said to him. He just looked at me. God why do I love him so much?

‘AWWW does little Tam have a crush on Liam?’ Niall asked.

‘No, I don’t!’ I said. I started to cry.

‘Well that’s good because he will never like you. You bitch!’ Harry yelled. I looked at Liam and he high fived Harry.

I ran…I ran to the bathroom…I started to cry.

‘Hello is anyone in here?’ Someone asked.

I sniffled. I girl ninja chopped the door open… I looked up and saw a girl the same age as me with long brown hair, and brown eyes. She looked and me and came down to where I was and started soothing me by rubbing my back.

‘My name is Alex what’s yours?’ She asked happily.

‘Tam… but umm…you probably don’t want to be seen with me because I’m not cool.’ I sniffled.

‘I would love to hang out with you. You seem super nice!’ She said.

End of Flashback

Harry and Niall said sorry to me after. I forgave them but it stuck with me to this day…

‘Tam when you said you didn’t like me I was crushed…’ Liam said.

‘Well I guess we were both lying that day.’ I said happily.

Liam POV

In the car

*On the Phone*

 ‘I have an idea guys!’ I said. I was on the phone with the boys. They were all at Niall’s house because we were having a guy’s night. I was on my way there now. I wanted to prove to Tam I truly did love her.

‘What?’ Harry said.

‘Well the girls didn’t go to PROM because we were on the tour… right?’ I said.

‘Ya they didn’t I feel bad. No girl should miss there PROM!’ Zayn said.

‘Well why don’t we through them a PROM with just us?’ I asked.

‘THAT’S AN AWESOME IDEA!’ They screamed.

‘Good now when I get there will discuss everything we need to do.’ I said.

I hope this idea will be good.

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now