Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

6 Months later

Zayn POV

The past 6 months have been a blast… we came in third for the X Factor, we are about to go touring around the world and we got a record deal! OH AND WERE IN AN AMAZING BAND CALLED ONE DIRECTION! <3

Niall and Claire have been talking on the phone every night…

Louis and Alex Skype every night…

Harry has been talking to this girl named Anna every other day…

Liam… and Tam nothing. They haven’t spoken since she started to date Josh. Which there still growing strong… but she never told him she loved him yet which is weird…

Me and Bess… well were perfect I just love her with my whole heart and she is amazing. She is smart, beautiful, and I just love her.  


I logged on to Skype.

I see Bess’  name pop up.

And then a video call is coming in.

‘BESS I MISS YOU LOVE!’ I screamed.

‘I miss you more Zayn-wayny!’ she giggled.

God she looked cute.

1 hour later

We sat there basically talking about nothing and everything at the same time. I could tell her anything… she was the best.

I looked at my watch it was 5:00 pm. F&%$ I have to go to an interview. : (

‘Baby, I have to go it’s are first interview in an hour.’ I said sadly.

‘Ok babs! Love you!’ She said.

‘Love you to!’ I closed the Skype.

I ran to get ready. This was our first interview and I wanted to look good.


Liam POV

At the Interview

‘So are any of you single?’ Kate asked (The interviewer lady)

‘I’m taken!’ Niall said happily.

‘By who?’ Kate asked.

‘Umm… well I don’t really want to say her name cause she likes her privacy but I can honest to God say I love her with all my heart!’ He said.

‘I’m taken!’ Zayn said.


‘Yes and she is the best person I have ever met and I love her!’ Zayn said.

‘I’m taken!’ Louis said.

‘I’m… seeing someone!’ Harry said.

They all looked at me.

‘I’m single!’ I said sadly.

‘Ok so next question we are here to talk about your new single More Than This! Who wrote it?’ She asked.

I wrote it.

‘I did!’ I said.

‘Really now can you guys sing it for us?’ She asked.

We started to sing it.

I'm broken

Do you hear me

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now