Chapter 26

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  • Dedicated to Jess and Brianna <3

Chapter 26

Anna POV

*At The Special Spot*

'Harry I love it!' I squealed. He had made me a nice picnic for are 1 month anniversary. I felt loved. You see when i was younger my parents didn't really love me. They called me cruel names. I don't really want to get into it. But now i live on my own because of them. They kinda left one day without telling me. Harry doesn't know though. That's why i loved my dog so much because he was the only one that cared about me...

'I'm glad you do, love.' Harry smiled looking out into the ocean. We just sat there and watched the sun set. It was a beautiful shad of purple, blue, yellow, orange, and pink. I loved the sun set because my aunt use to take me to the ocean just to watch it. Now she is way to old to take me. My aunt is the only one that truly loved me. But now i know Harry does.

'Anna what are you thinking about?' Harry asked looking into my eyes. Good i loved his eyes though there were an amazayn shad of green.

'Just about' I said trying to smile.

'That was the worst forced smile ever! Whats wrong?' Harry asked.

'Nothing. I was only thinking about my family.' I said looking away from his eyes.

'I never met them? Did you want me to or something? Is that what you were thinking about?' Harry asked looking concerned.

'No i don't want you to meet them...because i don't even know where they are...' I said sadly. I know they didn't love me but i did love them. They way my mom made breakfast every morning for my dad and my little sister. The way my dad would always come home with gifts every time he went away... but that breakfast and those gifts were never for me... I don't understand why i miss them when i know they don't miss me but i do.

'Why don't you know where they are?' He asked. I started to tear. Thinking about my family always made me cry but i tried to hold it back.

'Because...because...they left me...' I said. Now i did start to cry. Harry stopped with the questions and just hugged me.

'Shh...I'll be here for you...Shh.' He sued me.

'Harry I live alone, my parents don't love me, nobody loves me. I can't live like this anymore...i just can't' I said still crying into his nice white top.

'Anna I love You, Hannah (anna's new dog harry got her) loves you, everyone loves you and you don't live alone you live with me!' He said. What? No he doesn't...

'Huh?' I questioned.

'I want to live with you Anna.' He said smiling.

'Harry I want to live with you to!'  I said as i started to stop crying. He wiped a tear away from my face and kissed me. God i loved his kisses. They were amazayn. They were always passionate and simple.

Bess POV

Zayn's House

'ZAYN WHERE ARE YOU?' I screamed. We were playing hide and seek and i was currently losing.

I went outside. Nothing there. You know it's even hot in here... I left the door a little open to let some air in.

'COME AND FIND ME LOVE, I EVEN HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!' Zayn screamed from...somewhere. But where can he be?

I ran around some more in the house. Where the hell is he? Just then something grabbed me.

'ZAYN STOP!' I screamed.

Zayn POV

'ZAYN WHERE ARE YOU?' Bess screamed. Hehe i'm in the secret room in my closet.

'COME AND FIND ME LOVE, I EVEN HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!' I screamed out. You see in this secret room was really big and i had a dinner set up for her and me. I was gonna give her a promise ring. It was beautiful.

'ZAYN STOP!' Bess screamed.

'IT'S NOT YOUR PRECIOUS ZAYN!' Someone screamed.

I ran out of the room and looked for Bess. NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO HURT MY GIRL EVER. I saw Bess struggling in a man's grip and i ran up to him and punched him in the face.

'YOU DON'T HURT MY GIRL EVER!' I screamed at him.

Bess was in the corner screaming. The man got up and i started to chase him and he ran out of the house.I ran up to where Bess was crying in the corner.

'Thanks for saving my life baby!' She said crying still.

'I will always be here to save your life.' I said to her.

'Bess i had this specially planned out, but this is for you!' I said. I pulled out the little box in my pocket. She gasped. 'Is that a promise ring?' She asked.

'Yes, it is because i love you so much and i want you to be mine forever!' I said.

'Yes i will accept this beautiful ring!' She said happily.

I slipped it on her hand and it looked beautiful on her. I lightly kissed her on her lips and then looked her into her eyes.

'You're beautiful!' I said.

'I'm not the only one love.'She smiled.


Ok i just wanted to say this story is almost over :( I noo very sad. Please go and read my other story's and my idea's for one. I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU DO <3

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