Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Niall POV

Niall’s House

On the phone

‘So what do you think I should do? Should I ask her to move in?’ I asked.

‘ASK HER ALREADY!’ Simone yelled.

‘Fine… oh and I want you to meet her!’ I said happily. Simone was one of my best friends and like were really close. She moved in with her boyfriend Josh Hutcherson… yes THE Josh Hutcherson.

‘OMG YES, we should double date!’ She said.

‘Ok… umm how about tonight at the French restaurant down the street from Nando’s? At like 7:00?’ I asked.

‘See you there! Bye Niall LOVE YA!’ Simone said.

‘Oh my… Love ya to!’ I said.

Just then Claire walked in.

‘Who were you talking to?’ She asked. I told her about Simone and how were old friends.

‘Simone… were going to dinner with her and her boyfriend tonight! Is that good?’ I asked my beautiful fiancé. I just loved the way that sounded.

‘Oh and ya that sounds perfect can’t wait to meet her!’ She said.

I haven’t told Claire who Simone’s boyfriend is because she is a huge fan. But she always says she loves me more… so tonight should be fun. 

She just stood there looking at me… I gave her a grin and she knew what that meant… TICKELING TIME.

‘DON’T YOU DARE NIALL!’ She screamed.

She ran outside the room and I chased after her. Oh where, oh where can she be? I looked in the kitchen… nope

I looked in the family room… nope

I looked in the bedroom… nope

Claire POV

I ran fast. I am a fast runner trust… I have played soccer since I was like 8!

I ran to the music room…. YES THE BEST PLACE TO HIDE. I shoved myself in a little corner of the closet in there.

I heard footsteps.

‘Hmm…. I wonder where my beautiful fiancé could be?’ Niall said. I giggled. SHIT. I covered my mouth.

Just then I heard the guitar being strummed.

OH Claire-Bear,

How I love you Claire- Bear

Awww he’s cute.

I know you’re in the closet,

My lovely Claire- Bear

Just then the door was opened and I jumped on top of him. I tried to get up but he just held onto me.

‘TICKELING TIME!’ He screamed.

‘No- st-op- pleas-e!’ I screamed/laughed.

Just then he stopped and kissed me on the lips.

That Night at Dinner

Me and Niall walked in to the restaurant. I was wearing a nice white dress that stopped just before my knees, with nice white high heels.

It was a really nice restaurant.  We walked to where a girl was sitting.

‘Claire, I would like you to meet Simone.’ Niall said.

‘Hi Simone, it’s nice to finally meet you.’ I said shaking her hand.

‘Hi. But umm… I don’t shake hands I like HUGS!’ She said pulling me into a hug.

‘Oh and Josh should be here soon he just went to the bathroom.’ She said.

‘Oh, cool I like name Josh reminds me of my favorite actor Josh Hutcherson!’ I said happily.

‘Funny you should mention-‘ Niall said. Before someone came and kissed Simone on the cheek. He turned and looked at me…it was Josh Hutcherson.

‘Hi, you must be Claire.’ He said.

‘OMG, your Josh Hutcherson!’ I said.

‘Yes I am!’ He said smiling. OMG IT’S JOSH HUTCHERSON.

‘Omg, I must say I am a big fan.’ I said happily.

‘Aww well thanks!’ He said.

‘Hey, what about me?’ Niall said pouting.

‘I love you more Niall and you know that.’ I said kissing him lightly on the lips.

We sat down and we talked. I got to know Simone and I must say she is amazing. She is super pretty, and I found out a lot about her. Like how her and Niall went to pre-school together. How she LOVES Harry Potter which is awesome cause Harry Potter rules all. How she still likes Taco Bell. And lastly how she is a really popular singer.

She is a really nice person all and all.

We got each other’s numbers and I promised her we would go shopping together soon.

Back at Niall’s House

Niall POV

Omg just asked her. I already am engaged to her. Why not ask her to move in to. OMG I need to ask her soon.

‘Claire, umm…’

‘I had a really great time Niall!’ She said happily.

‘Ya me to! But um… Claire…do you…umm wanna move in?’ I asked hesitently.

‘Niall, I would love to! Plus I already practically live here.’ She said.

20 mins later

‘Night beautiful.’ I said kissing her forehead.

‘Night Nialler. Love you!’ She said.

‘I Love You Claire. I don’t luv ya. I love you!’ I said.

‘Niall you are perfect.’ She said yawning.

‘Not as perfect as you, love.’



-EpicThePickle (Annie Mitelli)

-READ 'Saving Cinderelle" By her ^^

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