Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Niall POV

I have been dating Claire for a while and I couldn’t be happier she is the best thing that had ever happened to me.

Harry told me and the boys about Liam’s idea of being on The X Factor, and we all thought that would be awesome. The strange thing was I haven’t seen Liam in a while…

Maybe I should go and see him.

Ya ok I will tonight after school.

2 hours later

Liam’s house

I rang the doorbell.

NO answer. Where could he be?

I looked for a key to his house. I think he told me where it was… FOUND IT.

I walked in and up to his bedroom… nobody was there!

That’s strange… I looked around and saw a note on the table.

Dear Niall, (how did he know it would be me?)

I knew it would be you because you are the only one That knows where the key is… Sorry but I left… I can’t be around that plAce anymore.  I can’t watch her be with him… (WHO CAN’T HE WATCH BE WITH?) Don’t come looking for me. I guess Harry has told you about my idea of the X Factor. I want you to know that you should go ahead without me. I lost all my inspiration. I have gone to a place where only the girl I love would know so you could never find me…I hope you don’t. I know you know how I feel. You loved Claire as Much as I loved …someone… and when Claire was with someone else you couldn’t take it. Well that is what happened to me. I’m very sorry but this will be goodbye.

Sincerely, Liam Payne

I just looked at it. How could he leave? I understood how he felt but I would have never left.

Something seemed weird about the letter… what was it? It’s probs nothing.

1 Hour later

I ran to Louis house to show him the letter.

I knocked on the door.

Louis answered.

‘HE LEFTED!’ I yelled.

‘WHO?’ Louis asked.

‘LIAM HE IS GONE!’ I yelled.

I ran in and there was Zayn, and Harry.

‘Liam is gone and he left this note…’ I said showing them the note. They all read it.

‘Who does he love?’ Harry asked. ‘I do-‘ I said before I was interrupted. ‘He loves Tam!’ Zayn said.

‘What how?’ We all asked.

‘It says in the note. Look how there is bolded letters they spell Tam… how the hell didn’t you notice that?’ Laughed Zayn.

We all looked and there is… wow I’m dumb.

‘We can’t really tell Tam that he loves her because she is with someone else but we need to find him…’ I said.

20 minutes Later

Tam’s House

I knocked on the door.

She answered.

‘Tam umm… was there any special place you and Liam use to go to?’ I asked

‘Umm… there was this place on the beach where we both went to every night to watch the sun go down. Why? Is Liam ok?’ She asked getting worried.

‘Umm… he is fine but what was the place called?’ I asked.

‘It was on South Ocean Beach!’ She said.

As soon as I heard that I ran.

1 Hour later

‘LIAM!’ I yelled for the fifth time.

I have looked everywhere and there was no sign of him. It started to get dark. I came across a cabin with lights on. I decided I should knock on the door.

I knocked. Nobody came to the door.

I started to turn around when I heard the door open.

I turned around to face who it was… it was Liam.

‘How did you find me?’ He asked.

‘I asked Tam… I know you love her!’

‘But she doesn’t love me… so I can’t be there now!’

‘Liam you can’t just not be there, you’re her best friend. You know she liked you! She could still like you to! When I saw Claire with Jason I wanted to kill someone… but I knew if she was happy I had to try and be happy for her! I faked hated her, to try and get over her! It never worked! I saw, I watched, I heard her whole relationship with him. I heard her call every night; I watched as she got hugs and kisses from him every day, I saw everything. I understand how you feel, but you can’t leave! And we would never go on the X Factor without you!’ I said to him.

‘Fine I’ll come home!’  He said sadly.

‘Good!’ I said.

‘But I can’t love her more than this!’ He said.

SORRYY ITS SHORT KINDA!! <3 hope you like it

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I kinda want some feed back cause i don't really know if its good or not so please helppp me and tell me! I would love to know!

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