Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Niall POV


"Hey Niall, where did you go?" Louis asked as I got back from talking to Claire. I swear I hated her. She just hates me and I love annoying her and telling her I luv her. Of course I didn’t I mean it, she so mean. Why did she hate me thought? I always ask her but she never tells me. I wish I knew…

"Niall YOU THERE?" Zayn yelled. "Umm ya sorry, thinking about shit…" I replied. "Dude, do you like her or something?" Harry asked looking at me. "NO!" I laughed. "OMG ewwwww… she is so mean and she hates me!" I said. "Why does she hate you?" They all asked.  I shrugged. I really wish I knew why she hated me.  It pisses me off. She hates me so much but what did I do. We start to walk out of the mall. Shit I HAVE TO GO TO WORK.

"Guys, I gotta go to work. Bye." I said. I worked at a pizza place. I loved my job because sometimes I would deliver to a hotty. I loved those days.

I got to work. I worked at Paul’s Pizza. I also loved my job because I get free pizza sometimes. I walk in and as soon as I get there I have to deliver. "You have only 5 delivery’s today Niall. Then once you’re done you can just go home." My manager said to me.

I took the pizzas and delivered. I got to the second last delivery of the night. I knocked on the door.

I heard a girl open the door. "SHIT WHAT WHY ME?" she asked.

"Hi, I’m from Paul’s Piz--- Claire?" I said. I grinned.

"OMG, Can’t you just leave me alone?" she yelled. Wait she ordered the pizza from me?

"You ordered pizza, LOVE!" I laughed.

"Ok, here is your money give me the pizza and GOODBYE." She yelled. I might as well have some fun with this.

"I will only give you the pizza if you let me in!" I stated.

"OMG, FINE!" She said annoyed. She knew she would never win the battle.

Her house was big. I heard and saw Alex. Alex was kind of pretty but I could never go after her cause one I my friends likes her. I would never do that to him. He is my carrot brother.  "Where are all the pictures of me, Love?" I asked laughing. She looked at me grabbed the pizza and handed me the money. "Why would I have a picture of someone I can’t stand?" She yelled before she kicked me out. Right as the door shut I laugh so hard.


I looked at my next delivery and immediately recognized the address. It was to Liam’s house. I then started to look at my phone for some odd reason I had Bess’s number on it. I decided I should ask if she knew why Claire hated me.

To Bess: Bess why does Claire hate me?

I immediately got a reply.

From Bess: It’s kind of a long story she wouldn’t want me to tell you! You seem nice but she is my best friend so I can’t say anything sorry.

OMG WHY WAS NONODY TELLING ME? Wait why do I care….?

To Bess: Fine.

I left it at that.

I rang the doorbell at Liam’s house. He opened and I walked in. I handed him the pizza. He looked at me.

"You ok Niall?" He asked.

"I’m…umm fine!" I replied.

"No you’re not! What’s the matter?" He asked. I knew that boys didn’t really care about me acting like that towards Claire. I also knew I could tell Liam anything. After all we are Niam <3

"Umm, I was just at Claire’s house delivering pizzas and she said once again she can’t stand me and I don’t know why!" I said. He looked at me confused. "Why do you care its only Claire? It’s not like you fancy her in anyway." He said. That was kind of a lie she was pretty and the only reason I hate her is because she hates me. But it’s not like I fancy her. I mean we have a lot in common but no I could never.


I left Liam’s around 9ish.

I got home. My parents were there. They went out tonight for dinner with another couple from work. They always seem to be out with them.

"Honey, is that you?" My mom said as I walked in. "Good, because we have something to tell you!" She said with my dad next to her.

"What is it mum?" I asked as I looked at them confused.

"Me and your farther are going away for about a few months and you will be staying with the Masses’!" She said. I looked at her confused who are the Masses’ and why does that name sound familiar to me?

"Umm…Ok!" I said.

"You will be going to live there next week so started to pack soon!" She said. I started to walk to my bedroom.  I walked in and went to take a shower.

Claire POV

I was sitting on the couch with Ally gossiping away like normal. When finally my parents walked in.

"Honey, can we talk to you for a minute?" My Mom said.

"Umm… ya sure!" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

I sat down at the table.

"Honey, next week somebody will be coming to live with us for about 4 months because his parents are leaving town on a business trip. We need you to keep him company." My dad told me.

"Umm… Ok sure." I said. I wonder who this guy is! I wonder if he is hot!

I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room only to find Ally sleeping. Wow she likes to go to sleep early.

I opened my laptop and went on Facebook. I clicked home only to see my name Claire Masses. Yup that’s my name don’t wear it out.


Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now