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10 years later

Claire POV

‘Louis stop chasing your sisters!’ I yelled. I had Louis chasing Jess & Ally around everywhere and Zayn was sleeping upstairs. He was such a peaceful 4 year old.  I lived a perfect life. Niall and the band started their own recording studio and it was very successful.

I had had 4 kids…

Louis Liam Horan (10 years old twins with Jessica )

Jessica Emily Horan (10 years old twins with Louis)

Ally Brianna Horan (8 years old)

Zayn Harry Horan (4 years old)

And I loved them all. They were my life and always will be.

If you wondering about what happened to everyone else well…

Louis and Alex had their child 4 months after my wedding and named him Mark and I must say he was beautiful child, and he kinda has a crush on Jessica which is so cute.  They really loved each other.

Liam & Tam had one child named Clarissa and she was beautiful. They had her out of wed lock but they are engaged as we speak.

Zayn and Bess are married and currently on their second honeymoon with their little girl. Her name is Pamela, I am her God Mother, OH and she’s 4. They are so in love it scares us all sometimes.

Harry and Anna are still together not yet engaged. But Harry is planning to do it tonight on their 11 year anniversary.

Simone and Josh are married for like 5 years now. They don’t have any kids yet but Simone is 3 months pregnant with two twin boys.  (HEHEHE) She plans on naming them Nicholas and Marcus…I don’t know she really likes those names.

‘HONEY IM HOME!’ Niall screamed walking into the house. We lived in a very nice house.

That Night

Me and Niall have finally got the kids to sleep. ‘Niall can you sing to me?’ I asked. It always helped me sleep when he sang to me.

But I see you with him slow dancing

Tearing me apart

'Cause you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish that was me

 He looks at you

The way that I would

Does all the things, I know that I could

If only time, could just turn back

'Cause I got three little words

That I've always been dying to tell you

‘Niall you never told me what those three little words were?’ I said. They were probably I love you but I just wanted to hear it from him.

‘Those three little words are…Please Be Mine!


OK IM DONE <3 Im finished my first story... thank you guys so much. Hope you enjoyed it...ps inno the 3 little words are I love You but i wanted to put the title instead it sounded cuter ya no. anyways PLEASE CHECK out my other story on my other account called We Met and Fell in Love by @NinjaOranges, and my other story's My Everything, and Love Across Districts. LOVE YOU ALL BYE <3

- PAMM <3

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now