Chapter 14

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Chapter 14                 

1 Month later

Claire POV

Liam hasn’t spoken to Tam in a month.  Niall told me about what happened… and well I feel bad because I remember when she told me she loved him.

Niall told me about the X Factor… I hope he will make it but like I will miss him so much if he does have to leave. I won’t get to see my little potato.

‘Claire you there?’ Niall asked.

We were driving somewhere. It was Niall’s surprise for me.

‘Ya, sorry just thinking hun!’ I smiled.

‘Well were here!’ He said happily. I look out and saw the beach. It was beautiful. I loved the beach.

We started to walk when Niall brought me to a small cabin. (The same one as the one Liam was in!!) It was beautiful.

‘I love you Niall, but you didn’t have to do this…’ I said.

‘I love you Claire so yes I do! You are the best person in the world and I want you with me!’ He said.

I ran towards him and I kissed him.

We finished eating our dinner when Niall started to smile. He looked at his clock.

‘It’s time Claire!’ he said.

‘Time for what?’ I asked looked at him confused.

He dragged me out side of the cabin, and we sat down on the beach… there was fireworks going.

It was beautiful…

Then in the end the best one came out… it was in the shape of a heart… in the middle of the heart said

C + N = Forever <3

I looked up at Niall and he looked down at me…

‘I love you Claire, I will always love you’ he pulled out a velvet bow from his pocket…

‘Promise me one day, you will be my wife!’ He said. He opened the box and it was the most beautiful promise ring in the world.

I was crying by now…

‘I promise!’ I said smiling. He was perfect…

Tam POV                          

On The Street

What has gotten into Liam? Ever since I have started to date Josh he hasn’t talked to me! God I miss him… Josh… I miss Josh…

I think I need to go talk to Liam…

I heard running from behind me…

‘Hun, where are you going?’ Josh asked. He was really sweet.

‘Umm… nowhere!’ I lied.

‘Well come to my house… I wanna tell you something!’ He said happily.

We walked to his house…

We sat down on his couch. I sat next to him. He looked really cute.

‘Tam, I love you!’ He said. I looked at him… I don’t think I love him… I just stared at him…

‘You don’t have to say you love me, back right now but I wanted you to know!’ He said.

‘I… you’re the best!’ I said and I kissed him. I couldn’t tell him I loved him… the thing is I like him but I don’t love him. I love someone that doesn’t love me.


Louis POV               

  Night Time

Alex fell asleep on my lap after we watched A Walk to Remember.  She looked so cute sleeping I loved it. She was beautiful. I decided to call her mom to tell her she is sleeping at my house I didn’t want to wake her.

On The Phone

‘Hello, Mrs. Vivo! My name is Louis…’

‘Oh… hi Louis my daughter has told me a lot about you!’

‘Umm… I hope good things!’

‘Oh yes, very good things. How’s my little girl is she coming home soon… it’s getting late?’

‘Well that is what I was about to talk to you about, do you think she can stay over… she fell asleep and I didn’t really want to wake her.’

‘Well… sure just know funny business ok!’

‘Thank you Mrs. Vivo!’

And with that I hung up the phone.

I carried Alex up to my bedroom and laid her down.  I moved her hair away from her neck and noticed a little tattoo of a heart. It looked beautiful.

I laid down next to her and kissed her forehead.

‘I have been up this whole time, you know!’ Alex said looking up.

‘You mean you made carry you up here, you know you’re heavy!’ I said to her.

She lightly slapped me in the stomach.  I just laughed.

‘You know your beautiful right?’ I asked.

‘You didn’t have to call me mom!’ She said.

‘I wanted to be a gentleman!’ I said smiling.  She yawned…

‘Goodnight, Beautiful!’ I said looking at her.

She slowly fell asleep… I did to.


Liam POV

I'm broken

Do you hear me

I'm blinded

Cause you are everything I see

I'm dancing, alone

I'm praying

That your heart will just turn around

And as I walk up to your door

My eye turns to face the floor

Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say

When he opens his arms

And holds you close tonight

It just won't feel right

Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now