Chapter 29

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  • Dedicated to My girls Bri, Ally, Emi,Tam, and Jess <3

Chapter 29

Zayn POV

Prom Night

Zayn’s House

‘Do I look good mom?’ I asked. I was getting ready me and the boys were supposed to be there earlier then the girls.

‘You look lovely Zayn.’ She said smiling. I loved my mom so much. She was always there for me.

My phone vibrated…

Were outside…get ur ass down here. Louis xx

‘Bye Mom love you!’ I said kissing her on the cheek.

‘USE PROTECTION!’ She screamed as I was running down stairs.

Anna POV

Claire’s House

‘So why are we going to your mom’s party?’ I asked looking at Alex. We were invited but the boy’s weren’t attended.  Apparently it was a black tie event…

(AND A PICTURE AT THE SIDE OF THE GIRLS DRESSES ------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>)

 ‘I have no Idea…’ She said looking at herself in the mirror. ‘Can someone help me with the zipper?’ Tam asked. ‘Ya sure…’ Bess said.

‘So where do you think the boys are tonight?’ Claire questioned.

‘Umm… I have no idea where!’ Simone said sadly.

‘I miss them…’ I sighed. A party wasn’t a party until the boys got there.

‘GIRLS THE LIMO’S HERE!’ Claire’s mom screamed.

We have a limo what for?

We hopped into the limo and drove away. I wonder where it is. Alex’s parents said they would met us there.

20 mins later

Bess POV

We finally arrived and hopped out of the car…. Nobody was there. We walked into the small building in front of us and it was pitch dark… Just then the lights opened and we saw the boy’s on stage with another band.

Just then Zayn started to sing

There is no other place that I would rather be

 Than right here with you tonight

 As we lay on the ground I put my arms around you

 And we can stay here tonight

 Cause there's so much that I wanna say, I wanna say


‘Bess I love you will you go to Prom with me?’ Zayn said. I just nodded and started to cry. He came down and we walked away from the group.

Simone POV

Just then Josh walked up to the microphone…

‘Baby I’m not the best at singing as these guys so I just wanted to say I love you so much and you will be my forever….will you go to prom with me?’ He asked. I looked up at him… ‘YES!’ I screamed. It made sense now why he asked if I went before… I love him.

Alex POV

Louis walked up.

Yes, I like the way you smile with your eyes

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now