Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I walked into school and went to my locker. Then all of a sudden I hear Liam. OMGG HE IS SOO HOT. "Hey Tam!" He said. "Hi, Liam!" I said. I have known Liam since I was 5 and ever since then I have loved him. I know I’m too young to love someone but I just love him. He had brown hair, with brown eyes, he was tall, and he had a six pack. The only thing is that his best friend makes fun of my best friend.

"So what class do you have next?" He asked looking into my eyes. I couldn’t help but look.

Liam POV

"I have Math next with you dumbly!" She laughed.

"True!" I laughed.

I was really good in math.

I couldn’t help but talk to her she was so beautiful. I loved her ever since we were 5. I loved her blonde hair.  I just loved her with all my heart. I found out that she really likes me from my other friends. I knew I loved her the day we met. I was like love at first sight. I wanted to ask her out but I was way too shy. Plus there’s a problem my best friend hates her best friend. When I KNEW THEY ARE PERFECT FOR EACHOTHER. They just didn’t see it.

"Umm… Tam you wanna come to my house after school to study for the test tom?" I asked.  I HOPE SHE SAYS YES.



OMG CALM YOUR SELF TAM. He doesn’t like you. See I found out he knows I like him but then I found out he didn’t like me back .I was crushed.

"Umm… Ya sure I loved to." I said happily. I looked into his eyes again. They were a perfect brown not to dark but just perfect. I knew everything about him. NOT IN A CREEY WAY. We have been best friends since we were 5. There was a brief point in our lives when we didn’t talk; I think that’s when he found out but recently he been talking to me again soo yaa.

Bess POV

OMG I HATE SCHOOL. I only like it because I get to see my best friends in the entire world. No I don’t really like anyone at this dumb school. I think people are cute but not a crush. I went to my locker and I noticed a lock on the one beside me. That’s weird because there was never someone beside me. WERID.  Anyways YAYA NOW I HAVE A LOCKER BUDDY.

"Hello!" a man said. I turned around and saw him. A guy that looked very beautiful. He was stunning. He had black hair, with brown eyes and he was wearing a varsity jacket he looked amazayn.

"Hi." I said. He was perfect the way he moved his lips. OMG did I really just fall for him… I just met him.

"My name is Zayn, what’s yours?" He asked. Zayn… that’s such an awesome name.

"Umm. Bess my name is Bess!!" I said. He smiled and looked at me.

"That is an amazing name, Bess." He said smiling. I blushed.

"Your cute when u blush you know." He said smiling even wider. I swear my cheeks were like as red as a tomato by now.

"Thanks." I said. He was smiling so much. He was so cute.

Zayn POV

She was beautiful. When I saw her at her locker I knew she had to be mine. I knew I had to find out her name she was gorgeous. I never fell for a girl so fast but I just did. Bess what a pretty name. I looked at her. Into her eyes, they were sparkling. They were perfect. We were both looking into each other’s eyes.

I started to lean in. I could take it anymore she was perfect. I crashed my lips to hers. When my lips touched her I knew that we were met to be. I knew that it was faint for me to be beside her locker. I knew it was faint for me to talk to her.

Bess POV

OMG WE R KISSING!! He was perfect. I can’t believe were kissing. OMG I hope nobody see us. BUT I DON’T CARE WERE KISSING!! He was amazing . I can’t believe it we just met 2 mins ago and were already kissing. We finally stopped.

"You’re Beautiful, you know!" He said. I blushed.

We walked away holding hands.

Alex POV

I just love school. It’s amazing it’s so much fun. I’m with my friends all day and sometimes I pass him in the halls. Who you ask well Louis, Louis Tomlinson of course. I have never talked to him before but when he passes me in the hall he winks. OMG HES COMING I CAN SEE HIM.

I look at him. He was wearing a striped top with red pants. OMG HE LOOKED GOOD. He was perfect; he had blue eyes, with light brown hair that in some light it looked red. OMG HE COMING OVER TO ME.

"Hey." He said. His eyes are so sparkly.

"Hey." I said. I looked into his eyes. OMH THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL.

"I’ll see you around gorgeous." He said while walking away. I blushed. Hoping he won’t notice.

"Ok!" I yelled.

He was perfect. The only problem was he was best friends with my best friend’s enemy.

Louis POV

She is beautiful. I knew once I saw her in the hall that I had to talk to her. I never spoke to her before. I never had the courage. I have liked her for a long time. The day I first saw her I fell for her. I have liked her for like 3 months without talking to her. She was beautiful. Once I talked to her I fell in love she had the most amazing voice. I found out from Niall that her name was Alex. That’s such an amazing name.

I left fast because I had the feeling she didn’t like me. I think she knew I was Niall’s friend. DAM IT NAILL!! I never cared about the way Niall treated Claire but if it ruins my chances with Alex then I would have to stop it. I have known Niall my whole life and what I know about Claire I knew they were perfect for each other. I could see it in his eyes. I know they say they hate each other but I had a feeling they were meant to be.




Pleaseeeeeee!! <3 <3

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now