Chapter 11*Chapter's 1-11 Edited*

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Chapter 11

Claire POV

2 weeks later

I haven’t talked to Niall since the kiss. I couldn’t understand why he said he loved me when he said he hated me so many more times. I couldn’t understand why he wrote that song about me. Was he jealous of he who must not be named? (NO NOT VOLDEMORT)

When we kissed it felt right it felt perfect. I don’t know why but I feel like I have always wanted to kiss him. You could tell he was a good kisser.

The only time I talked to Niall was for the Geo project but even then we didn’t say much.

I was sitting in my room singing the song Niall wrote.

But I see you with him slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish that was me

I loved it. I always loved to sing but Niall was really good at it.

He was amazing at singing and when I hear him in the hall I stop and try to listen.  My thoughts were interrupted by the door being knocked. I walked over and opened my door to see Niall. "Hey Niall!" I said. Good he looked cute with his blonde hair.

"Umm…Claire I… umm… I….umm…wrote you a song!" He said looking at me.

He brought his guitar with him and he sat on my bed and made me sit beside him.

"Umm… I know you probably don’t believe me when I told you I loved you but umm… this song is how I felt when you were with that asshole! So I hope this song will prove it!" He said. I was about to say that I believed him the whole time but I couldn’t because he started to sing.

He takes your hand

I die a little

I watch your eyes

And I'm in riddles

Why can't you look at me like that

When you walk by

I try to say it

But then I freeze

And never do it

My tongue gets tied

The words get trapped

I hear the beat of my heart getting louder

Whenever I'm near you

But I see you with him slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish that was me

He looks at you

The way that I would

Does all the things, I know that I could

If only time, could just turn back

Cause I got three little words

That I've always been dying to tell you

But I see you with him slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now