Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Alex POV

I’m in Geography class which is I swear my favourite class ever.  I sitting with Claire, and Bess is sitting with Zayn who are now officially the cutest couple ever and Louis is sitting with Niall. Louis is looking so hot and he keeps looking over my way and smiling at me. Every time I see him I melt.

"Ok class today you will be put into pair’s and doing a project!" The teacher said.

OMG I HOPE I GET LOUIS!! I think I would just die.

"Ok so the partner will be Niall and Claire, Zayn and Bess, Louis and...umm Alex…" I blanked out after he said my name. I GOT LOUIS HE WILL BE AT MY HOUSE. Louis turned around and smiled and said "I have the best partner!" I blushed.

"Umm… Louis you wanna come over after school……. (Pause) for the project of course!" I said sounding excited.

"Yes!" He said way to fast. Stay calm Alex he doesn’t like you because your Claire’s friend.


The day went by pretty slow. I started to walk home when I remembered Louis was supposed to come with me. I ran back in side and saw Louis right beside my locker waiting for me. Awww he looked to cute there.

"Umm sorry I forgot!" I said walking up to him.

"It’s ok love!" He said smiling.

We walked to my house not saying a word. I was nervous about saying something. I really like him and he is really hot and OMG he can make me laugh. We got to my house.

"Umm…Alex do you have any carrots?" He asked.

"Umm… YES THERE THE BEST VEGTABLE IN THIS UNIVERSE! Why wouldn’t I have some?" I said happily.

He got really happy after that and  then muttered something I couldn’t hear.

Louis POV


"I love you!" I muttered SHIT DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD. I hope she didn’t hear me.

"What did ya say?" She asked looking confused.

"Ummm…I said I love… Carrots!" I said. Great save Louis. SELF-FIVE!

"OK…. Well carrots are amazing!" She said happily. I couldn’t help but smile.

Shit Louis don’t fall for her more, she doesn’t like you. Your friends with Niall so she doesn’t like you like that. But she just smiled. I looked into her eyes there were the best shade of brown in the world.

She got me some carrots from the fridge.

"Umm… Alex I think we should get to know each other first before we start the project!" I said.

She smiled and lit up. “Ok carrot bestie!" She said smiling. DID SHE JUST SAY I WAS HER CARROT BESTIE???

I laughed. Then I stopped I frowned she only thought as me as a friend. SHIT. I think I love her and she wants to be friends.

"I am your bestie!" I said loudly. "I wanna be more then besties but…" I muttered to myself. She didn’t hear me. I had to tell her how I feel but I can’t.

"Ok so I like Carrots, my best friends are Bess& Claire& Tam, my favourite superhero is SUPERMAANNNN, and my new favourite carrot bestie is you!" She said smiling.


Alex POV

He keeps muttering to himself and it’s getting annoying. I know I like him a lot but he doesn’t like me so I thought I at least want him as a friend. SO HE IS MY NEW CARROT BESTIE!!!!

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now