Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Harry POV

Special Place

I walked to meet Anna at our SPECIAL PLACE. I had something I wanted to give to her. It was beautiful at our special place. It was special to us because one day I happened to be walk here and all of a sudden I saw her crying.


(About 2 months ago)

OMG I should just turn back now. IM SO TIRED. I stopped to turn around.

‘Why, me?’ I heard someone say. Her voice was familiar, and it was beautiful.

I turned and saw a girl with long curly brown hair with golden streaks. She had a red face from crying and she was curled up into a ball. I walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulder.

She turned around and I saw the deepest blue eyes I have ever seen. They were also red from the teats, and her rubbing them.  Then I realized it was Anna.

‘Anna?’ I asked


I smiled then I became sad.

 ‘Why are you crying, beautiful?’ I asked.

She smiled and blushed. I sat down beside her and rapped my arms around her and she started crying in my shirt.

‘Well umm…you see… m-y… dog/ best friend just…died…today!’ She said still crying some more.

‘Oh… its ok everything will be fine, love! Cry your eyes out I’ll be here for you!’ I just continued to hug her.

‘Thanks Harry!’ She cried.

End of Flashback

Our special place was a cliff overlooking the water. It was beautiful. I saw her walking up the mountain and I ran to her and I hugged her.

‘Hey, beautiful!’ I said smiling.

She just blushed.

‘I love the way you blush!’ I said happily.

She kissed me on the cheek and I started to turn strawberry red.

‘You’re not the only one that can make someone blush!’ She smiled.

I smiled. God I think I love this girl. ‘I have something for you, love!’

‘What is it?’ She asked.

I brought out this big box. Then it barked.


‘Not a dog a puppy!’

I took out a little Yorkie that was brown all over. I saw the smile on her face as I gave her the puppy. I loved that smile. I loved everything about her.

Anna POV

Harry took out the puppy and I was in love… with Harry more than the puppy. But the puppy was so adorable.

I smiled.

‘Harry, I love you!’ I said looking into his green eyes.

He looked back to me in shock then he smiled.

‘Good cause I have loved you since the first time we came here, to our special spot!’ He said. Then he ran and kissed me on the lips. It was passionate. I immediately kissed him back.

We finally stopped.

‘What do you wanna name it, beautiful?’ He asked.

‘I wanna name it…Hannah!’ I said smiling cause it was are names combined.

‘I love it!’ He said.

‘I love you!’ He said and I kissed him again into the sunset.


Niall POV


I woke up from my beautiful dream of me and Claire on the beach getting married. To see it was 8:00am. I saw Claire sleeping beside me. She looked so peaceful, and beautiful. I got up and decided I should go get breakfast. I put on a nice polo and some jeans with TOMS. But before I left the house I wrote a note to Claire in case she wakes up.

Dear Claire-Bear

I went to get us some breakfast. I should be back around 9:00am.

Love You so much

Love, Niall xxxxx

I left it beside her phone.

I walked out to the breakfast place. I saw this girl that looked familiar. She was looking at me funny. She came up to me.

‘Are you Niall Horan?’ She asked. She has black hair, with brown eyes.

‘Umm… yes!’

‘OMG I’m Simone Carter!’ When she said her name I smiled. Simone was my best friend back in Ireland.

‘SIMONE!’ I screamed. I hugged her.

‘How have ya been?’ She asked.

‘Good, I’m actually dating this beautiful girl named Claire!’ I said happily I loved telling people that. I love showing her off. She just so beautiful.

‘Aww…that’s great Niall! I’m actually seeing someone to his name is Josh!’ ‘That’s great Simone, but actually I gotta go.’ I said looking at my watch.

‘K see ya soon. Text me will catch up and go on a double date!’ She smiled waving me goodbye.

I walk out of the breakfast place with the food and started walking to the house. All of a sudden someone came out of nowhere. He looked familiar.

‘Oh well if it isn’t THE Niall Horan! Claire’s new toy!’ he said.

‘We are actually happily in love. JASON!’ I said annoyed. I didn’t want to talk to him.

‘Well let me just tell you something you obviously don’t know… she doesn’t love you … she loves me… and she is probably using you so she get me! So as soon as I want her she will dump you.’ He said grinned evilly.

‘Ya ok Jason. You a F&%$ asshole so leave be and my beautiful girlfriend alone!’ I said walking away.

Claire POV


I got out of bed to find nobody was beside me. I looked everywhere. WHERE IS NIALL? I went to see my phone if he called and found a note.

Dear Claire-Bear

I went to get us some breakfast. I should be back around 9:00am.

Love You so much

Love, Niall xxxxx

Awww he went to get me breakfast. Then all of a sudden my phone vibrated. It was a text message.

I saw a picture of Niall hugging a girl. She had black hair, with brown eyes. I looked at the picture in shock and I felt a tear slid down my cheek.

Then I saw that there was an actual text message attached.

He clearly doesn’t love you and was only pretending to date you. And why would he date you, you’re so ugly is sad. But actually I kinda… -Jason xxxx

I started to cry my eyes out. I was crying so hard it hurt. Then I heard that door shut from door stairs.

Great Niall’s home…

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now