Try Me

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I had reached the organization a few minutes late. Its not like they were going to do anything about it. But I still didn't like the fact that I was late. I shut the engine off and stepped out of the car. I locked it and walked into the glass building. Guards stood at the front door. I walked past them, only to be stopped. 

"Your name?" A dark voice came from behind me. I heard the organization had hired more body guards to stand out side all the doors. I flipped them off and continued to walk. They will not make me more late. I got into the elevator and pressed floor number 20. It took a few seconds to get there. I stepped out of the elevator, only to be met with more guards. I rolled my eyes and ignored them. I walked through the black doors and was met with a tall man with a beard. 

My dad. John is my dad. He hates that I don't care enough to be serious on my missions. "Ah Elli, only 10 minutes late this time." He had a small chuckle follow along his words. Elli just so happens to be my nick name that he calls me. It switches on and off between Elli and Beth.

I rolled my eyes. "Just give me the file." 

"Grouchy." He handed me a folder. He started to explain the missions purpose. "You have to kill Larry Hockins. Known terrorist, you leave tomorrow morning, This is a team mission, but its an option. I'll leave it up to you as their leader whether you want them to go. Let me know if you decide it to be a team mission. Remember, You are here to teach and do your job, No killing your students." 

I walked out of the office, and finally left the building. I was driving home, it was about 7:30 pm. I was already tired. I made it home. I already heard yelling coming from the house. I sighed and got out of my car, locking it. I walked in the door, only to be met with a plate smashing into the wall. The house froze. Ryan and Allen had both been looking at me. "You have ten seconds to explain what just happened, or I'm putting you on the suicide mission I was just handed." Everything fell quiet. 

"Ryan made me drink his piss, Beth, he pissed in my mountain dew." Allen was trying to sound as innocent as possible. As Much as I tried hard not to laugh. I saw Jordon at the table just typing away on his laptop. 

"You know, it's sad when the baby can behave better than you too." Their faces fell as I pointed to Jordon. I ignored the rest of what they had to say, Jordon gave me a dirty look at the fact that I called him a baby. I shrugged, and walked up to my room. I got undress and jumped into the shower. 

I finished my shower and put on a very short pair of shorts and a tank top. I put my hair up into a bun, and grabbed my phone and laptop. I sat at the counter of the kitchen and started logging in my recent missions, I grabbed the folder and started going over my mission for tomorrow. "Hey Ryan, Can you cover my class, I have a mission tomorrow morning at 8." Ryan walked over to me, I slid the folder towards him. He skimmed through the folder and nodded. 

"Yeah sure" He smiled at me with his perfect teeth. 

"Thanks." I grabbed the folder back from him. I started typing in flight information and places from the last known place Mr. Hockins was last seen.

"Team by choice? What does that mean?" Jordon was soon in the kitchen along with Allen.

"It means that I could chose for it to be a team mission instead of me flying solo." I didn't make eye contact still typing in codes and information. 

"I'm down, I'll tag along." Jordon seemed happy. 

"Denied." Still not making contact with his eyes. I denied his request. "Its a suicide mission, maybe next time."

"What, Then whats the point of being an assassin if you don't get a little hurt." He sounded whiny. 

"The point is that, its my choice, and I'm not putting my team in danger, when I can do it by myself, Now stop nagging me I have work to do before I leave, Be a doll and pack my clothes for me. Everything on the right side to the back goes. Don't touch my gadgets." I chuckled a bit making him my slave. 

He huffed and accepted that he wasn't going. "Finee."

"What!" A gasp came from Ryan. "Does Beth actually care about whether we get hurt?"

"No." I started laughing uncontrollably. "You think I want to spend hours on writing and logging about how you died, No, I have a life to live. Good try tho." A frown brushed against Allen's and Ryan's face. The conversation ended after that.  

I finished logging in information and activating my gadgets. I walked up to my room, noticing Jordon who was still packing my stuff. "You can leave now." I walked passing him into the closet, grabbing my bracelets, and mics and weapons. I grabbed a bag that can hide anything from the air port scanners and put the stuff in it. Jordon got up and left. 

I still had the folder, Going over it multiple times. Like I said, Class A missions are important. The case is a lot more serious then you think. I wasn't about to put two rank threes and a rank four in danger. The lowest rank is a 10, so me being number one out of all of the other 2 rank ones, makes me pretty important.

I set the folder in my bag and made sure I was ready to go in the morning. I went to lay down on my bed. A few minutes after I was met by a warm pair of arms. It was Ryan. Sometimes before solo missions, Ryan would cuddle with me until I fell asleep, so just in case anything happened, I had some warmth before I left. Aside from my emotionless body, I was never scared to die. Never in a mission did I plead for them to have mercy. That just wasn't how I rolled. 

Sleep fell upon me later after Ryan was cuddling me. 

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