Damn Morons: Part 1

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"I'm only going to say this once: You all know what you need to be doing. If you screw up this mission, I'll screw up your life. Am I clear?" I said to the four trembling bodies in front of me.

We had all been dressed in black. "Your identity is sacred. If anyone finds out who are you, it's your job to kill them. If they get away, It'll be your death." I continued explaining.

Today I've decided is the day where I take 4 Freshmen trainees on a mission. This one is at an airport.

It was Joey, and some guy named Caleb, then there were two girls, Rose Mary, and Katharine. I'm going to call her Katy for short. Anyway.

"Alright, Have you all read the file of the mission?" I asked them. They all gave a quick nod. "Good, I won't be assisting in this mission. I'm going to sit back and watch."

"Wait, Why won't you be assisting?" Katy asked me with worry written all over her face.

"Because it's your job. In the future you won't have someone to watch over what you do. You'll be on your own." I explained to them. "I'll be there to watch over and make sure you are doing things right."

"What if we mess up?" Caleb asked.

"If you mess up, I'll kill you. It's a simple mission. You are stopping terrorist from boarding the planes." I told him.

I handed them all a medium sized bag. "In this bag you have your devices. You have your gun, an ear piece that lets you communicate, a set of combat knifes, and a small red pill." I pulled each of the things out one by one.

"Your gun is to be hidden under your shirt. Your ear piece is designed to look like a bluetooth that goes to your phone. Your knives tucked and hidden in either of your leg straps, or around your waist next to your gun. Any questions?" I said looking at them sternly.

"Yeah, How are we supposed to get through if it's an airport, won't the sensors go off." Joey asked.

"I got that handled. At exactly 5 pm you need to go through the sensors. They will be down for 5 minutes top. If you don't make it through, then you have already failed your job on the mission. If you miss, You either think of a way to get in with out getting caught. Or you make your way back to me." I bluntly told them.

"Another question, What's the pill for?" Rose Mary asked me, holding the small pill in her hand.

"If you are ever in a situation where you get taken and have no chance of escaping, You swallow the pill and accept your fate." I said shrugging.

"So it kills you?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked the people in front of me. We were about to leave in a hour. Explaining things went by fast.

They all nodded. "Good." I walked away from them. "Read your roles in the mission again, Like I said, No messing up." I got to my car, only to see Joey standing beside me.

"Hey, Look, I wanted to apologize about the way I've acted since we first met." He said with a cheeky smile on his face. "Can we start over?" He held out his hand.

I stared at his hand. "Let me guess, You want to 'start over' because you are scared that I may be a threat to you soon, because you've heard about me being The Reaper?" I put finger quotation marks at the words 'start over'. His eyes lit up. "That's what I thought."

"N-No, Thats not it at all. I just- I just really like you that's all." He stuttered his sentence as if he were nervous.

"Well I don't really give a shit, I'm not here to be your best fucking friend. I'm here to do my job and that's it. So if you have time to apologize and make an amends good for you. Now unless you have anything more to say then this conversation is over." I opened the door to my car and got in. I pulled out of the drive way and headed to the organization.

I needed to grab their pass ports and set up a private jet. I arrived to the organization. I walked into the tall building and made my way up to my dads old office. I took a breath and walked through the door. I looked through the file that was labeled 'Recruits.'

I then grabbed their files and placed it into my bag. I turned around only to be faced with Jordon, Allen, and Ryan. "Can I help you? I have things to do and places to go. I don't have time."

"How are you doing?" Jordon said with worry plastered on his face.

"I'm just fine, thanks for asking." I said with a fake smile on my face. I then tried walking past them. A hand grabbed the top of my arm.

"Elizabeth...we're sorry." Allen said.

"I don't know what you would be sorry for." I said trying once again to walk past them, being pulled back again. "Ugh, Let me go!"

"We're sorry for leaving you at a time like this." Ryan said.

"I don't care about that now. It doesn't bother me as much as you think it does." I told them, yanking my arm out of their grip.

"You do care." Jordon said.

"Yeah, says who? Some child who thinks he knows everything about me? I think not." I put my hand on my hip, smirking. His face fell at my insult.

"You care, because if you didn't, then you wouldn't have gone dark again. You wouldn't be cold heart, and have a bigger blood lust." Ryan said semi-yelling.

"You're wrong. I don't care. I never have. This is me, This is who I am, and I'm tired of everyone trying to tell me I've changed. No I just upped my expectations. I am me, I like who I am now, and I don't want to change. And No one can make me be someone I'm not. Not You....." I said poking Allens chest, doing to same to Ryans and Jordons. "Neither you, or you. So give it up, because you guys mean nothing to me."

"This isn't who you are." Allen said.

"This isn't who you want me to be. So stop trying to make this about me, when you know this is for yourself. Now like I said, I'm busy." I pushed past them this time. Making my way towards the exit.

A/N Hey, So I want to change Ryan's name. I'm not sure what to. I'll let you know soon if I decide to change it or not.

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