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*A week later* 

It seems to me that the days go slower and slower. My leg is starting to heal. Not all the way, but I can walk without limping. I would still much rather stay in bed. Since I still have to teach training, I have to get out of bed. Ugh. The boys seemed to have found every possible way to annoy me. 

Jordon and I have gotten more along. I pin him down on a daily basis. Not a lot has change in the past week. I don't see Joey a lot. Which is a relief because with one leg down I'm not at my best. After I get my leg free from this annoying boot I will go on a rampage.

Now that I can walk around with out help, I started back teaching training. I got more recruits, they are all cocky as fuck. I hate them already.

I have about a hour before I have to get up and teach training. I don't want to leave my warm bed. Maybe they will let me get away with not going today. A loud knock comes from my door. "Come in?" I yelled. It was Jordon.

"They told me to come tell you that you have training in a little and they want you there early." He bit his lip to hide his smile that was clearly showing though. Stupid child. 

"I know, I know, I'm getting up." I said and I grabbed my phone and checked it for notifications. 

Father: Wakey Wakey Sunshine, You can go on vacation after today's training class. 

I rolled my eyes and set my phone back down, I looked up noticing Jordon was still staring at me. "What are you still doing here?" I asked mono-toned. 

"Uhm, well, I was wondering if you could maybe give me a ride, Ryan and Allen already left when I was in the shower." He said reaching his hand up to scratch the back of his neck in nervousness. 

"Whatever, Just get out." I got up and grabbed a pair of light blue skinny jeans that hugged my legs. I grabbed a hoodie crop top that said 'Just Do It Later'. I then put on my light blue vans and Black rimmed glasses. I put my hair up into a bun, but left a few strands to keep my face structured. I grabbed my phone and keys. 

I'm skipping breakfast because I'm already as late as it gets. "Jordon I'm leaving now, so if you want a ride hurry." I yelled after opening the door. I made my way carefully towards my car. My leg hasn't been in a lot of pain so far so I'm good for a little. Jordon comes running out with a gym bag. He brings extra clothes everywhere he goes. 

I closed my door and started the car, I pulled my seat belt over me and clicked it in. I put the car in reverse and backed out of the drive way and started my 10 minute drive to the training building. After the drive I parked in my usual spot. I didn't get out at first, but Jordon did. He wanted to get there before me. Not that I cared. 

I sighed, One more training day and then I get some vacation. I turned off the engine and got out of my car locking it. I started walking towards the door. Quite regrettable because in his annoyingness, Joey had been stand at the door. Almost as if he had been waiting for me. I ignored him and continued walking towards the door. 

I scanned my wrist, and looked at him for a brief second. He had been smiling as if I were to say hello or something. He ended up quite disappointed. I walked past him with out a word being said. 

"Hey, You aren't even going to say hello to your favorite student." He was walking backwards in front of me so that we were face to face. 

"And why would I waste my breath on something so useless?" I asked him showing no emotion. I stepped side ways hoping to avoid him. 

He gently pushed my against the wall. "Because I feel as if we have somethings in common." His breath tickling the tip of my ear. 

"Well, I hate to burst your bubble.." I paused for a second, grabbing his hand and twisting his so that his chest was against the wall and his back was to me. "But the feeling isn't mutual." He dropped to the floor in pain. I rolled my eyes and continued walking towards the training doors. 

As I opened the doors, the room grew silent. "Don't stop now, Please do carry on." I said with sarcasm laced in my voice. I walked to the front of the room. "Today I have decided that we are going to run and workout. If I hear any complaining from anyone, we will continue to work out and run for the next couple weeks, Am I clear?"

They all nodded silently. We were now outside on the tracks "Good, Girls and boys are splitting up. Girls I want you on the track in ten minutes, warm up and start running until I say stop. Gentlemen, I want you doing sit ups until I say stop." I walked around watching my class work the asses off. 

The boys had lined up and started doing sit ups. The girls had been running at different paces on the track. We had about 5 hours left of training, I was deciding whether or not to make them train next week. They pretty much decide on that, any complaints they work out next week. If they go with out, they can have next week off.

"Switch!" I yelled after the last girl did 8 laps around. "Gentlemen, You are now running the track, Ladies, Sit ups!" I heard heavy breathing from all around me. I spotted Joey. Finally he is doing something right. His eyes met mine, a stupid playful wink was sent at me. I narrowed my eyes and looked away. Stupid boy. 

After switching on and off between work outs and running the training day was finally over. "Alright, Grab some water and get dressed then meet me back in the training room!" They all sighed with relief and went to grab drinks. I walked back to the training room for them to arrive. 

The room was filled. "I hope this is everyone, because I'm only saying this once, You don't have training next week." They all cheered as if their spirit had been lifted. "You can go, Ryan take Jordon with you, I'm not leaving yet. And be packed my the time I get home." He nodded and left. 

I went to my car and unlocked the trunk, grabbing my own gym back. I closed the trunk and walked back into the building to where the punching bags were. I dropped my bag in the corner, I wrapped a bandage around my fists, walking up the bag. I took a deep breath and threw a hard punch towards it, knocking it back. I grabbed the bag keeping it steady once more. 

I threw a few more punches towards the bag. Right, left, right, left, right, left. I was breathing hard. But I wasn't finished. The door opened and revealed the most annoying person on earth. Joey. He looked up and smirked heavily. I rolled my eyes and averted my eyes back to the punching bag. I started punching again. 

He went to the punching back that was next to mine and started punching away. "So.." He paused for a second. "Angry?" He asked as if I was doing this out of anger. 

I ignored him once more and continued punching. His punching came to a stop. He walked over to me. I continued to ignore him. He placed his hands on my sides. I stopped punching and turned around. I was about to punch him, but he quickly stopped me. "Whats your problem!" I asked him. 

"Nothing, Why are you assuming somethings wrong?" He asked calmly. 

"Then why are you touching me, and always in my way. Have you not gotten the point." I told him attempting to push his hands off me. 

"I'm touching you, because I can." His voice was smooth and soft. It made me want to punch him even more. He leaned his head into my neck more. "Don't act like you don't like it." His voice was quieter now. 

For a second I was out of thought. I quickly regained back to my sensed. I brought my knee up and kicked him in the dick. "Touch me again, and I'll make sure you never see the day light again." With that I grabbed my gym back and walked out of the building. I got into my car and drove home. 

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