Game Day: Part 1

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You know that one sound that really annoys you no matter who it comes from? Yeah? Well for me that's peoples voices. Most people talk because they can. With out a purpose. That's when it really starts to annoy you. The worst part is when they are waking you up at 10 am because your flight is in 3 hours.

I'm just as excited as you are for vacation. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait. But, I also love my sleep. The 3 men that I live with, continuously take away that sleep. They are like teen age girls who panic over everything.

"Beth??" A loud voice rang through the room.

I groaned turning over to face Allen, "Make it good, or I'll kill you."

"Well, our flight is in a few hours, and we were thinking why not just go earlier, you know since we're taking a private jet." He said with little confidence, as if I were about to jump out of bed and strangle him. I was definitely thinking about it. 

"I'll be up in 30 minutes, let me shower and double check things." I groaned and rolled back over. I sighed and quickly fell back asleep only to hear a loud crash. I sat up staring at the blank wall. I took a deep breath and uncovered myself. I got out of be and marched to my door. 

I walked down the stairs at a fast paste which I'm not really supposed to do, because you know, the whole, 'I got shot in the fucking leg' thing. Yeah, anyway. I made my way to the living room. Feathers flying everywhere. The glass coffee table in the living room had been shattered.  

"I'm going to count to 5, If you  don't have a valid explanation by the time I reach 5, each one of you will suffer till your body gives out and dies." I said taking deeper breaths trying to keep my anger down. Imagine you having to buy a 1,000$ coffee table only for it to be shattered by the 3 imbeciles you live with. "1."

"Wait we need longer than 5 seconds." Jordon started to stutter more. "It was an accident!"

"We decided to pillow fight" Allens words came out quickly.

Ryan stood there with an amused look on his face. "It doesn't matter if I were to explain what happened, You are going to kill us regardless." He shrugged waiting for the other two to stop begging. 

"2." I continued, Ryan was right, I was still going to end them even after they explained. "3."

"I went to hit Jordon with a pillow, and he fell back onto the table." Allen said. 

I stopped counting. I walked towards Allen, We were face to face. I reached out my hand gripping it around his neck. I quickly tightened my grip closing off his air way. "You will have this mess picked up by the time I get out of the shower. If it isn't done, You will not be going on vacation with me. Let this be known, you are going because of me. You deserve nothing that I do. Now, Get it picked up." 

I removed my hand from his neck. Red marks that started to turn purple showed around his neck where my hand had been. I took another deep breath and glared at Jordon. "That goes for you too." I walk back towards my bed room, Ryan had stopped me from continuing. 

"You look mighty hot in just a shirt." His hot breath touched my ear. I had now noticed that I was wearing a large over sized t-shirt. I shoved passed him. Stupid tease. 

I walked back up the steps into my room, entering the bathroom. 30 hot warm minutes passed and I finished with my shower. I dried my hair and got dressed into a black crop top, jean shorts, and a red flannel tied around my waist. I slipped on my black and white converse. 

I grabbed my wallet and phone, and the charger for it and stuffed it into my purse. I grabbed my suit cases and walked out of my door. I grabbed my car keys and put them in my pocket. I walked to the living room. It was now cleaned, thank god. 

I heard murmuring coming from the kitchen. I made my way to the kitchen. Ryan, Allen, and Jordon where sitting at the table, their voices came to a stop once I walked in. I rolled my eyes and continued walking, pulling out a muffin from the pantry. "Lets go." I walked out of the kitchen and through the living room, I grabbed my bag and suit cases and walked out the front door. I put my stuff in the trunk and waited for the boys to do the same. 

Once they put their stuff into the trunk, I quickly shut it and got into the drivers seat. I started the car as the three buckled in. I backed out of the drive way and headed to where the private jet was located. After a nice 15 minute drive we made it to the landing and take off place. 

An escort took our bags and loaded them onto the jet. For the past 10 minutes that it took for everything to be loaded, the boys have been in their little circle chatting amongst themselves. They get quieter when I approach them. So I've given up. 

We boarded the jet. I sat in the back away from them. I was already done with the way they have been behaving. Worse than children. Every few minutes they would take their time to look back at me. Each time, I would flip them off. 

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