The Reaper

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I finally finished getting ready for dinner. I grabbed my wallet. I'm not sure why because I made it very clear that I wasn't going to pay. But just in case. 

I walked out of my room and went to the living room. The boys were whispering to each other again. This time since I didn't have my shoes on yet, I made my way over to them ever so quietly. It was hard to hear but I still got a few words out of it. 

"Do you......She must know.....So calm....We can't tell." Was all I hear coming out of Jordon's mouth. It made me mad that they have decided to keep things from me. Me, the person who let them come on this vacation. I could just have them training for two weeks. 

I cleared my throat. The three of them rose up from their seats like their life depended on it. 

"Oh, Elizabeth, we didn't see you there." Allen said in a mumbling kind of way. 

"You know, I find it funny." I said walking over to the other side of the couch, but still facing them.

"What funny?" Ryan asked. 

"That you three have underestimated me." I sat down, crossing my legs. I could tell I had an affect on them, because they started showing signs of nervousness. You also learn things about the weaknesses from people you come encountered with. You tend to pick up their side affects. Such as:

Panic, fear, and uneasiness.
Not being able to stay calm and still.
Cold, sweaty, numb or tingling hands or feet.
Shortness of breath.
Heart palpitations.
Dry mouth.

Awe man did I have them wrapped around my finger. They couldn't even look me in the eyes. 

"How so?" Allen asked.

"You want to whisper about me like I don't know its happening. You want to make assumptions that I am gullible. I'm not hurt by it. I just think its funny. So do tell me what you three have been conversating about these past few days." I tilted my head slightly biting my lip. I know I got under their skin. They all have witnessed my other side. 

You have me. Which is:  calm, intelligent, out going. 

The other side of me is all of those, but far more fierce. My anger will get the best of me and I become a cold hearted bitch, that wants nothing more than for you to die by my hand. That's also how I got my name at the organization. 

I don't think I've told you what most of the people who know me at the organization call me. Guess you'll find out soon enough. 

"Uhm, We don't know if we should tell you. Last time wasn't even that bad and you still changed." Allen said, making the last part come out in a whisper. 

"Last time was last time. Today is now. Shall I give you options?" I raised an eye brow. I stood up walking towards them. 

They gulped and stared back into my eyes. 

"Option 1: You can tell me the oh so horrible thing, with out being harmed. Or, Option 2: You can not tell me, have me find out anyway and be tortured till it spills out. If I happen to find out before you three tell me, then I will leave you to rot." I ran my finger gently down Jordons jawbone. "Your pick."

They all looked at each other. Then they all shook their heads no. "We can't tell you." 

"What a shame." I bit my lip. I walked towards the door. "Lets go eat dinner."

*Past midnight* 

We made it home. I had slipped something in the boys drinks that would make them pass out with in a couple of hours. It was now 12:30am. I wasn't going to let them get away with keeping secrets. One by one I led them to the basement of the house. 

I put chains on their wrists tight enough for them to not get out. I also placed some on their ankles making it 100% secured. They should be awake any minute now. I pulled a rolling table out. On the table different kind of knives were placed in a line. 

I heard a cough come from behind me. "Ah, we got one awake." I smiled at Jordon. His face showed confusion. 

"Wh-what are we doing here?" His voice sounded croaky. 

"You'll find out soon." I said. Ryan and Allen started to wake up. 

"Now the whole party is awake." I waved at them both. 

"Elizabeth, this isn't funny." Allen said in a yelling tone. 

"Oh, I know. This may not be fun to you. But it will be fun to me." I turned and face the table once more. "Long and sharp, or long and dull. Hmm, I like to think about the pain that will come to the person I'm above to inflict the pain on." 

I paused for a second. "Hm, Long and dull, Do you know what happens when you get stabbed with a dull knife?" I held a long and dull knife in my hand. Pointing the top of the knife against the tip of my finger. 

They stayed quiet. "Guess I'll do all the talking. I did tell you my options. You chose number two." I walked towards Jordon.

"Shit, Why me first." He sighed out. This would take a while, I trained these guys for a long point of my life. I taught them to never crack. But like I said. I taught them. Everyone know that theres always a weak point. I notices all of theirs when I was first training them. If I trained them well, they should know that I know about their week spots. Which means they will crack faster. 

"Why not you?" I ran the knife down his neck, not hard enough to cause damage. 

He stayed silent. "Jordon, Explain to me who I am."

He cocked an eyebrow. "You. You are Elizabeth Dowe...Ruthless and crazy. You are known as the Reaper of the organization. Life to you means nothing. You've killed many with out a blink of an eye. Thats what makes you the best at what you do."

"I'm glad you know that." I smiled. I then stabbed the knife into his hand. His scream and grunting filled my ears. "Music to my ears, except that not what I want to hear." 

I turned back to the table and grabbed a few needle from the table. " You all know what kind of needles these are right?" I looked and faced them, Jordons screaming died down so just his rapid pantings were heard. 

"Let me fill you in, These needles have a substance at the very tip to make It feel as if you've been shot by shotgun bullets. Now only to choose who to use these babies on...Eainne, Meinnie, Minney...Moe." I stopped my finger on Allen. "Sucks for you." I shrugged and walked towards him. 

"Please don't, Elizabeth Please!" He begged. Shame, Begging to early. 

"I thought I taught you better than that. You should know by now, I dont and won't stop until I get what I want." I licked my lips and shoved a needle into his right side below his ribs. His muffed scream was heard. I then put three more below it. His screams got louder. 

"Ready to tell me what you're keeping from me?" I grabbed a sharp knife this time. I turned on my heel and headed towards Ryan. 

"We can't Elizabeth!" Ryan pleaded. 

"Sucks." I stabbed into Ryan's shoulder. He didn't scream, but you could tell he was in pain. 

My phone started to ring. I wiped off the small hints of blood on my hands and answered. 

"I'm kind of busy so make it good." I spoke sternly. The voice in my ear made me freeze. My phone dropped out of my hand. I covered my mouth holding back on the tears and sobbing. I clenched my stomach. 

Say hello to the Reaper.

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