Home Sweet What?

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Ahh, The thought of going home drove my mind crazy. I couldn't wait to go back to my own bed, and hear the annoying yells of three boys fighting over stupid things. My training class. Everything. I only had 12 hours to go, and then I would be on my jet, and heading home. 

But lets get back to my mission. I walked passed the three bodies on the floor. I heard barks and growls from down the stairs. DOGS?? I didn't detect them when I was using my heat censor. They must have just brought them. That means more guys. 

"Hey, Go check up stairs before we head out and tell them we are moving bases. The Boss doesn't feel comfortable with every hostage in one place." A manly voice spoke. A small yes sir was heard after that. I rolled my eyes. Another person to kill. I ducked down behind the wall making sure I was kept hidden. 

I realized I forgot to grab my knives from the dead bodies. I quickly beat him to the step I wrapped my hands around his head and jerked it. A snap was heard. His boy fell limp to the floor. I walked over to the bodies and grabbed my knives, wiping the blood off on their clothes. 

I started walking down the stairs slowly and cautiously. I peeked around the wall and counted the men. Ten. I needed to hurry because they were leaving soon with some hostages. I put my knives away and pulled out my guns with the Silencer on them. I left the stairs and walked up behind one. I shot quickly, and continued on. Two more came my way noticing my at the last second. I quickly shot them before I could lose my cover. 

Three were down I had seven to go. I used three bullets each gun holds ten. I have 17 bullets left before I have to reload. I'll count as I go. I shot another person. "16." I whispered quietly. one of the guys turned around. Great. Note the sarcasm.

"Hey! You stop there!" He raised his gun up to me. I rose my hands up as if I were going to surrender. I lowered his gun walking over to me. "Where did a pretty thing like you come from?" He asked with a hint of sexual desire in his tone. 

I didn't say anything I just smirked. I dropped my hands and shot the man. He dropped to the floor with in seconds. "15." I counted down once again. 5 down, 5 to go. I heard a low growl behind me. "Ah shit." I turned around, with out making sudden movements. "Good boy" I whispered looking around. I hadn't caught the attention of the other 5 men yet. So that was good. 

I death stared the dog down. I can't lose eye contact or I'll be attacked with in seconds and running from a dog isn't smart. Guess it has to die. Slobber dropped from the dogs mouth. Eww. I gagged to myself. I rose my gun and shot the dog. He whined then fell to the floor. "Should have mind your own business mutt." I started back my journey. I shot three more men. "14, 13, 12." But I also put a bullet in the dog so that makes it an 11. I have two more to kill. 

I grabbed my knife and walked up to one of the men. "Excuse me, Can you say hello?" I asked him. He turned around a little startled. 

"Say hello?" he asked confused. 

"Say hello to mah little friend." I laughed to myself. Great jokes, and slit his throat. The other guy stood there frozen. 

"Pl-Please..." His voice was frail. 

"Byee" I smiled at him and also slit his throat. Pfft, Such men, men are. I would say pussies or girls, but we happen to be awesome and amazing. So why put us down?

I had cleared that floor. I walked down the stairs quietly, putting my knife away. I stepped off of the stairs and was stopped dead in my steps. There were so many people in the cages. Naked, beaten, dead. My body filled with rage. I was being nice at the start and giving them quick and easy deaths. But none of them deserved it. 

I narrowed my eyes. There were two guards standing and the door. I took out my gun once more, and shot each of their shoulders, so that their guns dropped to the floor. "Did you do this to them?" I asked with rage in my tone. 

They both were crying in pain. I shot their legs. "I asked you a question." They both cried out. Still no answer. I shot a bullet into ones head and looked at the other. "Give me the keys and I might go easy on you." 

He quickly pulled the keys out of his pocket and handed to me. I shot him in the chest letting him bleed out to death. "I lied." I tucked my guns away and grasped the keys. I made sure there were no more guys to take care of. A small bomb was about to go off outside where they were all huddled so it would kill them all at once. 

I walked over to the cage and spoke softly. "Okay, I'm here to get you guys out. So I need you to be as quiet as you can so we don't draw more attention. No matter how bad it hurts. Okay?" they all nodded in agreement. I unlocked the cages. "If you can walk and are strong enough to help another then please do so." Many people helped others. I had two on each side of me. 

"Let wait for another ten seconds then we should be clear to go." I said looking at the watch on my wrist. A loud bang came from out side. They were dead. I let out a breath that I had no idea I was holding. "Alright lets go." I pulled out my phone and dial the organization.

"Send in the units, I have them safe." I hung up the phone and took the people a safe distance away from the building. A loud scream came from a small child. She was being held against a taller, older looking man. I noticed him from the picture in the file and from the bar. "Larry Hockins." I gasped out. 

I walked towards them. "Don't take another step, or the girls dead." I stopped walking and glared daggers into his skull as the words came out of his mouth.

"Do you think that is wise Mr. Hockins? Killing that girl will make things a hell of a lot worse for you. Its one life for many more. I bet you can guess which one I'm going to choose." I spoke with confidence letting it be known that I will risk one girls life for many others. 

Hockins smirked and pushed the gun harder into her head. "You are bluffing. You would save her life if it meant you dying in the process."

"Mr. Hockins, You don't know me very well. But I will assure you, that killing that girl just gives you harder time." I said, slowly reaching for the gun that was tucked in my waist. I pulled it out slowly, he hadn't noticed. The drug I gave him earlier should have been in affect already. I started to become quite annoyed. I calculated the distance between us, about 12 feet. I have 7 bullets left. I have good targeting. But there was still a chance that I could kill the girl. 

I raised my gun and took my chances, I aimed at him and with seconds his body his the floor. His gun had went off. Seconds later I was on the floor. The bullet had went through my left leg. I breathed in pain. "Okay, I'm okay. It's just a bullet." Whispering quietly to myself. I stuck my fingers in the wound and searched for the bullet. I quickly pulled it out and grunted in pain. I stood up slowly, still breathing and panting hard. 

I limped. A few seconds later helicopter and vans pulled up. They loaded the people into cars. They attended to my wound and sowed it up. They thanked me and drove back to the safe place here in Egypt. I made my way back into the ware house. I threw explosives into each one of the floors. I then exited the building and got into my car. I clicked the button on the remote and drove away, a second later the building erupted in flames. 

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