Bad Boy

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There I stare at the 'innocent' being. "You wanna know what I think?" I ask the man that is locked in the cell.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"I think that it wasn't a coincidence." I tell him.

"That what wasn't a coincidence?" He asked with confusing written on his face.

"How you suddenly disappeared when those men came in. I mean everyone stopped and hit the floor. I can't prove anything yet. But I will. Till then you're stuck in here." I tell him tapping on the rusted bars.

"So I have to stay here for being innocent. That seems a bit much." Landon tells me with a smirk.

"Is it though?" I leave him with that question and walk out.

I go to my fathers- well now my office to prepare for another mission.

I sit on the desk and type away on the keyboard. I didn't notice till she made a sound, but Emily walked in and sat on the desk.

I look up at her and raise an eyebrow. "Hey." Is all I say and then put my focus back on the computer.

"What ya doing?" She asks me.

"Setting up a mission for myself." I tell her and then go back to typing in the information.

"Interesting, what mission?" She asked me.

"Kids are being captured and taken from their homes. All that's left behind is a red circle with some type of bird in the middle." I lean back in my chair and stare at her. She looks deep in thought as if something were bothering her. "What's wrong?"

She blinks back to reality, "Nothing sorry. I'll check in with you later." She goes to stand up. I grab her hand before she steps off the desk.

"Tell me." I told her tightening my grip.

"Elizabeth, you really don't want to know." She said sorrow filling her face.

"I said tell me." Getting more anxious.

"Your dad...He didn't just randomly die." She said to me. I rolled my eyes letting go of her.

"I know this. I'm not stupid." I tell her and sit back down.

"He was murdered..." She paused. "...By me"

I froze. Repeating her words in my head. Over and over. "I'm sorry." I chuckled not meeting her eyes. "I must have heard you wrong. Say that again."

"I was the one who murdered your father." She said slower this time.

I stood up from my chair and walked over to her. I punched her square in the face and then tackled her. We broke out into a fight. Both of us throwing fists and kicks.

We soon ended up in the hallway. Still fighting. Both of us heavy in breathes. Knocking her down the first part of the stairs. I run after her as she continues to fight back.

People had stopped and started looking at us. Not bothering to stop, knowing who we were.

Both of our hair were now out of our ponytail. I pin her to the floor and start to punch the same spot on her face. She rolls me over and does the same.

I jab her in the throat causing her to stop and gasp for air. I take this as a chance to stand up and plant kicks to her side.

"You stupid bitch!" I scream at her.

I pull a knife from my boot and throw it at her. Letting it land right into her right arm. I take a deep breath to slow my panting. I stalk towards her and grab her by the hair.

Ripping the knife from her arm and holding it to her neck.

"Elizabeth, Stop! What are you doing?" I'm stopped by Brandon. I look at him.

"Something I should have done months ago." My grip on the knife tightens and I put more pressure on Emily's neck.

"My best friend.." I stop. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. "You were supposed to be my everything. Be there for my wedding, for my first child. For me. I was supposed to do the same with you..." I stop again.

"Yet here you are at the blade of my knife." I sniff. "My father, Emily! He was My Father. Now he is dead and it's your fault."

"I know, I had no choice but to do so. So take my life, I do not care, I did what I had to, and that's all that matters to me."

"Cut your bullshit!" I yell. Angry, no furious.

"There is nothing I can do now! What do you want from me? An apology? Because I won't apologize. It was him or you! And I wasn't about to give up my best friend!" She tells me with tears running down her cheeks and bruises covering her face.

I remove the knife and kick her to the floor. "Leave, and never come back." I throw the knife to the floor and walk off.

I go to the basement and walk up to the cell. Making sure I'm in good posture. I come face to face with Landon.

"She told you." He smiles.

I stare coldly into his eyes.

"Ahh, Beautiful. Did she tell you that I was the one who sent her to do so. It was a perfect idea. First it was to kill you and have your father break down and give up the organization. But Emily was to stupid and got caught. So we changed up the plans and had her kill him instead. This making you head of the organization." He chuckles deeply.

"No one thought you would be successful. But to my surprise, you did very well. It's a shame that not very many of your people will live after tonight." His grin widening.

I raise an eyebrow. Still staring daggers into his face. "That's where you're wrong. You're looking at the best Assassin in the world. You think you can beat me?" I taunt him. Attempting to get him to talk more.

"It wasn't hard to get your father 6 feet under. What makes you think it'll be any different taking you down?" He walked closer to me.

"Let's see, for starters: You're chained up." I smirk.

"That's in a matter of time my dearest." He said with out any emotion crossing his face. 

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