Real Work

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I'm not going to lie, doing things alone helped with the amount of thinking. With my team, they would have either gotten away or not listened an messed something up. Which always ends up being an easy fix, but none the less hard to explain the mistake to the organization with out breaking a few bones. But I'll admit, the company of my team was great. In the end, no one deserves to be alone. 

I opened the large door that was in-front of me. The brown wooden floor looked as if it was just furnished. The walls a nice tan color, that looked perfect for the type of mansion this was. The first part of the Mansion led to a stairway. I walked up the stairway and made my way into the master bed room. I left my suitcase at the bedroom and walked around the room admiring the decorations. The bed was a full king size bed, with a black comforter. 

I plopped down on the bed. I laid back feeling the comfortableness that the bed gave off. I rolled around as if I were a child again. I ended up rolling to far and falling off the bed. I grumbled in pain from the fall. The bed was high off the floor. I stood up rubbing my elbow that was definitely going to hurt later. I bursted out laughing for a bit.  

I walked to the bathroom, admiring the size. A large bathtub, almost a Jacuzzi. And the shower that was the size of a full size bed. There were two sinks as if it were meant for two. Hah. Nope its just me suckers. I turned the bath to a more than warm temperature. I poured bubbles that were stored under the sink into the tub. I was in heaven. 

*An Hour Later* 

I finished drying my hair after taking a long, heart warming bath. I put on a large shirt that buttons. I had bought it for bed time because I feel more comfortable with sleeping in a large shirt and underwear, then a full on night gown. Don't ask why because I wouldn't be able to tell you why. I went to the large bed and laid in it. After getting comfortable I let sleep consume me. 


Now time to start on the real reason on why I'm here. I groaned getting out of bed. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, after I brushed my teeth and hair, and put on make up. I walked out to the room, and grabbed the fake credit card and ID that had the name 'Kayla Fable'. Known as the identity that I will be using through out this mission. Shes supposed to be a 22 year old female(Obviously) who loves partying. Which isn't me at all, because I hate being around people. But the man I am going after is a hardcore club owner. That's how he picks up his women. 

I put on a nude color dress that bagged down at the waste and reached just above my knees. I have to catch the attention if I'm going to get anywhere. 

I checked myself one last time in the mirror

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I checked myself one last time in the mirror. I decided that going shopping for a small amount of food wouldn't hurt. I walked to the Garage door that was located inside the house and opened it. I was in love. A whole variety of cars sat, waiting for my soft gentle fingers to brush against the material inside. It held a black BMW-i8. I was in love, next to it was a white one, a nice red bugatti, and a tan colored camaro. Across were two Mercedes. That made me miss my baby from home.

By the door was a coat hanger looking thing with many keys attacked. They were all labeled. Hello mama! It was so hard to chose what I wanted to drive today. I decided to go with the Black BMW. I got into the car, gripping the steering wheel with passion. I ran my fingers across the dash board. I murmured to myself, "Definitely coming back for you." I put the key into the ignition, and started it. Soon all other sounds were drowned out by the soft purrs of the car.

I inhaled getting back to the task at hand. I clicked the Garage opening button. I drove out of the Garage only to be met with the drive way. I was now on an adventure to the Super Mart that was about 10 miles away. I had made it to the Mart, parking somewhat far away from other cars. I stepped out of the car as if I was from a movie.

Eyes gazed upon me. Taking in my outfit and car. I know right. I'm a beauty. I smirked but quickly composed myself into a blank face. I walked into the door of the Super Mart and started gathering things I needed. I made it to the check out only to be stopped by a tall blonde guy. 

"Ms. I'm going to need you to come with me. We have official business." He spoke quietly. Something cold brushed against my back, being a smart as me, I automatically knew what it was. He had put a gun just above my thigh. He gripped my upper arm tightly. I sighed. 

"Honestly, You only have two choices. Let me tell you, both end with you on the floor crying. You can put the gun away and I'll think about letting you leave with only a few broken bones." I said softly. "Or, you can leave the gun where it is, and I break every bone in your body that I can. That leaves your options short." I sat patiently waiting for the tall guy to answer. 

"Hm, both of those sound tempting. But I chose option three. The one where you listen and I don't shoot you. Deny it and you die." He said getting closer to my ear his lips brushing them gently.

"I don't think you understand how this works sir." I said with a hint of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes. "How about I count to three...One." I started counting down. Giving the nice gentlemen time to retreat. 

"I'm the one with the gun here." He said a bit louder pushing it into my back. 

"Two" I counted once again. Waiting for his gun to be pulled out of my back. "Three."

A loud scream came from his mouth, the hold that he had on my arm was now gone. His hand was placed in my hand. I squeezed his hand tightly making him groan in pain. His hand with the gun waving all over the place. I look around to see if I had brought a lot of attention. I hadn't. I continued, I pulled his arm behind his back. 

I kicked his knee in so that he fell forward. "You are going to ruin my outfit. I have important things to do, and I don't need anymore people bothering me." I said while pushing my elbow into his back, A cracking sound came from his back. He fell limp, still breathing. I grabbed the gun from his hand. I unclipped the ammo inside. The gun hadn't even been loaded. 

I smirked at the body laying on the floor. I kneeled down next to him. "Next time, be more prepared of your opponents strengths. You put up a shit fight." I chuckled next to him. You may be thinking that I should be more serious. But I mean, I just took down this huge guy that had a better chance of knocking out me before I could say a word. Like I said, Not cocky; just really good at what I do. 

Back to what I'm supposed to be doing. I looked around once more. Still no audience. That's good. I took out my phone and dialed in the agency. After the third ring someone picked up. "M-Ms. Dowe, What can I do for you?" The voice sounded scared and frail. I rolled my eyes. 

"Call in the cleaners, In the Super Mart." I gave the girl the location and details. I then hung up not wanting to continue the conversation. Tsk. Tsk. I was expecting a lot better. If it was this easy, then I should only have to lift a finger. 

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