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I woke up to nothing. Literally. It was silent. No noises, no birds, absolutely nothing. Only my soft breathes were heard. I sat up on my bed, rubbing the sleep off my eyes. 

I got up off of my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took a shower, put on clothes, brushed my teeth and my hair. I left the bathroom and put on my house slippers. 

I made my way downstairs, towards the empty kitchen. I grabbed cereal, milk, a bowl, and a spoon. I put the cereal into the bowl, then the milk. I picked up my spoon and bowl then walked to the table. I sat down; taking small bites of my cereal. 

Something was different. I'm not sure what it is. But something. I finished my cereal, and swirled the milk in my bowl. I left the bowl on the table and went to the living room. I stood there, looking around the living room. Trying to figure out something. 

I stared at the front door. Waiting for something to happen. Still nothing. I shrugged and went up stairs. I walked past Brandon's room. I stopped backing up a little bit. I opened his door and stared into the empty room. 

I closed the door and continued walking towards my room. I closed my door and laid back on my bed. I didn't want to move or do anything. That's when it clicked. Something was wrong. I didn't feel the need to do anything. I didn't want to get up. I felt empty. 

Like the life in me had left. I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone rang. I turned over and grabbed it off the night table. "Hello?" I answered.

"You picked up!" Allen's loud voice yelled through the phone. I brought it away from my ear, bringing it back once he quieted down. 

"Should I not have?" I asked him. 

"No, No, you just ignored my calls before." He told me. 

"Okay, Well what do you want." I asked him, exhaling. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to go do something today." He asked. I heard Jordon and Brandon in the back ground talking to each other. Something in me tinged. 

"No thanks." Was all I said before I hung up. I didn't want to do anything today. I set my phone down, and put my blanket over me. I couldn't fall back asleep. 

I just stayed snuggled in my bed. Staring lifelessly at the wall. I brought the blanket over my head, eloping me in the darkness. I felt the urge to cry but no tears came out. I sighed heavily. 

"Aghhhh" I yelled frustratingly. I sat up and grabbed my keys. I made my way to the organization. I know something that was going to up my mood. 

I made it to the organization. I marched through the doors. Every ones eyes on me. "Get back to work." I said agitated by their stares. I went to the basement of the building. It smelt like rust and blood. 

I stopped by a cell that had the men that broke into my house locked up in it. "Charles." The guard that watches the doors came to my calling. "I want him in the torture room." I told him pointing to one of the men. He nodded and unlocked the cage. 

A few minuted later Charles told me that the guy was in the chair chained down in the torture room. I waved him off and walked into the torture room. He woke up by the loud sound of the door opening and closing. 

"Where are we?" He asked. 

"You are about to experience a lot of pain." I shrugged. 

He didn't say anything, still in the process of putting things together in his mind. I grabbed a clamp that would break anything that was lodged between it. I then put his arm between the clamp and started turning the handle, letting it squeeze on his arm.

"That doesn't even hurt-" He was cut off by cracking sounds. His screams could be heard from miles away. 

"Sorry, What was that. I couldn't hear you." I sarcastically said to him. He watched his bone pop out in horror. I continued to shut the clamp. More screams heard. I released the handle on the clamp. I let him take his arm out and hold it against him in pain. 

I took his other arm and did the same. His sweat dripping off him from the pain. "You're strong, I'm surprised you're still awake."

"Wh-why do you say that?" He asked him as he took deep breaths, attempting to ignore the pain. 

"Because, when the human body is in a large amount of pain that it can't handle it shuts down. You haven't shut down yet. Which means you aren't in enough pain." I told in, as I held his arm up to get a better view at the break. "Impressive."

"Please, Just stop." He pleaded.

"I'll stop when I want." I pressed on the broken bone, making him groan in pain. "Do you know why I broke your arms?" I asked him. 

"N-no." He said, wincing at every movement I made.

"I'll tell you. I broke your arms because in order for you to do your job, which I'm guessing was to kill me, You need your arms. Other wise you're at a disadvantage. So no arms means no job." I bluntly told him. "Soooo, why, and who sent you to kill me?" 

"I don't know who. All I know is that, this person really wanted you dead. I didn't get his name. Even if I did he most likely would have used a fake one." He told me.

"You know.." I started to talk. "I'm broken. Like, not physically like you, but mentally and emotionally. I don't know how to fix me either. It's like I reached my end of happiness. I never had a lot to begin with, but it was still there. Now, there's nothing."

"I'm sorry to hear. I know how you feel." He told me. Doesn't it annoy you when you tell someone something sad about yourself, and they respond with an 'I'm sorry.' Like, what are you sorry for? 

"Hm. That's a shame." I picked up a hammer, seconds after slamming it down on his hand. His screams of pain silent. I then picked up his hand and started squeezing it. He stood up from the pain. I unchained him then wrapped his arm behind his back, leading him back to the cell. 

I locked the cell and walked away. I walked out of the basement slamming the door. Brandon, Jordon, and Allen stood at the front door of the building waiting for me. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. 

Once I reached them, Jordon opened his mouth. "Please." His voice was frail. 

"Just hear us out. Lets go home and we can talk." Allen said.

"If you don't care at the end of our conversation we will leave you alone." Brandon said. 

"I don't even care now. Also, That's my home, not yours. You moved out." I told them. 

"5 Minutes, We promise." Allen said. They ignored my comment about them being moved out.

"You have 5 mintutes. Then you leave me alone." I told them. I pulled my keys out of my bag and walked out the front doors with them following me. I opened my car door. 

Jordon reached for the handle. "What are you doing?" I asked him before he could touch my car. 

"Riding with you?" He said in a questioning tone. 

"No." I told him. I got in my car, locking the doors after I closed my doors. 

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