False Start

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"We have another mission and since Rose Mary's team went last time. I've decided to let Jake and his group go next since Jake came in second." I looked around the room.

Noticing that Rose Mary wasn't in the room. I looked to Emily and nodded. She nodded back and walked out of the room.

Everyone eyes were on her as she left. "As I was saying." They all planted their eyes back onto me. I came in eye contact with Brandon.

I smiled at him but he quickly looked away. I rolled my eyes. "I need Jake's team to come with me when Emily gets back. Til' then everyone grab a partner and start warming up." I turned around grabbing the folder that had the mission information in it.

I skimmed through it. This mission was a lot easier. Glad to say that I'm not the advisor on this one. Someone name Landon. I shrugged.

Emily walked back into the room. I smiled at her. Soon came in Rose Mary. She looked tired. Like she had been crying. To bad I don't care.

I'm not heartless, I understand completely what it's like to kill an innocent. But that's what we signed up for. You have to lose a few lives to save a few lives. Regardless of the situation.

I'll give her at least a day. Then I'll take things into my own hands. "Alright Jake and your team come with me." They stopped what they were doing and walked out the door with me.

I pulled my keys from my pocket and clicked the button that unlocks my car. I got in and closed the door. They just stood and stared at me.

"Get in?" I question them as they stare. They slowly make their way to my car doors and get in. Making sure to not mess anything up or get finger prints on the paint.

I started the car and backed out of the drive way and went to the organization. We made it to the organization and got out of the car. I locked it and walked to the front doors.

I scanned my wrist and the doors unlocked. I made my way to the downstairs where the weaponary and gadgets were.

"How come this is the first time we are seeing this room?" Jake asked.

"Uhm that would be because we don't let noobies who barely know how to hold a knife, Into a room full of random shit." I shrugged.

Their advisor Landon walked in. "Hey guys." I turn to look at him and holy fuck he is hot.

I stare at his smile and blue eyes. I'm in love. Like seriously, I don't think I've ever seen anything that beautiful.

"Are these the people that I'm missioning today?" He asks me.

I just stare. After a few seconds I clear my throat. "Uh, Yeah they are."

He smiles once again and nods. "Nice." He puts his hands in his pockets and walks towards them. He starts introducing himself to them

"Uhm, Landon, I would like details every hour. These are still my trainers and I'd like to keep up with their process." I said with confidence. He raised his eye brow and smiled.

"Alright I can do that." He bit his lip.

After he agreed I left.

*After a few hours*

Its literally been 2 hours and I haven't heard anything from Landon. He has to be really stupid to not listen or do as I say.

I put my hair up in a pony tail. I sighed. I really hate people. I was done waiting for him to tell me details.

You may think I'm being to hard. But trust me I'm not. It's my job to know what happens to the people I'm in charge of.

I made my way back to the organization. I walked to the basement and marched into the room. The trainers we're sitting at the table eating....pizza.

This is not what I took them out of class for. "Uhm Landon. May I speak to you."

He nods walking out the door, he holds it open for me. After I walk through the door he closes it and gives me this huge smirk. "What's up?"

"What's up?" I mimicked him. "I asked for hourly updates. And when I come to check on my trainers, they are what, sitting down and not doing what they need." My voice raising slightly.

"You know.." He paused. "You're pretty cute when you're mad." He tells me. His smirk breaking into a full-blown smile.

I was ataken back. "Ex-excuse me." He takes a step towards me and slowly pushes me against the wall. "Wh-"

I was cut off by his soft lips planted against mine. I didn't kiss back. He did it all on his own.

Snapping back to reality. (Que the Eminem song). I push his shoulders away from me and clear my throat.

He bites his lip. Making me so badly want to claim his lips as mine. Sadly, I restrain myself. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by your, soft, very likeable- Anyway."

"I will update you next time Ms. Dowe. My apologies." He shoves his hands in his pockets staring down at my lips.

I bit my lip in anticipation. "Anyway, I'm taking them back." I got to walk past him. But he quickly grabs my arm. He leaned towards my ear.

"We should talk more." After he stepped away there was something in my hand. I opened it up and it had a number in it.

I looked up at him. I rolled my eyes crumpling the paper. I opened back up the door. "We are leaving let's go, grab your shit."

They all hurriedly grab their things and left. "I don't understand. Why is everyone so scared of you." Landon said watching the scared teens rush out the door.

"Guess you'll have to ask around." I shrugged and walked away.

I hear 'Ooos' and 'Awes' sounding from in front of me.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I asked them.

"He likes you." Jake says.

"He does not. It takes a lot for a guy to fancy me. I'm the least bit of attractive." I continue walking.

"Oh he definitely likes you." The girl walking by Jake says.

I rolled my eyes. What ever.

It's not like I'm interested anyway. You definitely are, I wouldn't even try to hide it.

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