Making Up

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I sat waiting for someone to say something. I wasn't going to start the conversation. I didn't even want to talk in the first place. I cleared my throat, obviously making it be known that I didn't want to sit here all day staring at each other. 

"Alright, well this was fun." I stood and walked over to the front door, I held it open for them. "Now get out."

They all looked at me. "We're sorry." Brandon spoke. 

"So I've heard." I told him, closing the door and going to sit back down. 

"We really are sorry." Jordon said.

"Look, I don't care. I don't want your stupid fucking apology. I want to be left alone. Like you left me before. I don't want to continue this back and forth bullshit." I yelled at them. Holding back tears. "I don't want my day wasted by the pity of my so called friends."

"We were in the wrong. We all regret leaving you after what happened. We should have told you, but we didn't." Allen sighed, as he looked down at his feet.

"Please, just give us another chance." Brandon asked, he stood up and made his way to me as he held out his hand. 

"Another chance." I repeat his words. Thinking. 

"Yes, another chance." He said, with sadness in his eyes. 

"We can even take baby steps, we won't move back in right away. We'll start out like we did when we first met." Jordon said with a smile on his from spitting out is 'oh so amazing' idea. 

"Whatever. Just get out." I told them. 

"So we have another chance?" Allen asked. A smile appeared on his face. 

I hesitantly nodded. They grabbed me and hugged me tightly. Like I was about to disappear. "Okay, you can let go." 

They chuckled. I inhaled and exhaled. Just as I was getting use to being alone. They all sat down and turned the t.v. on. I stared at them. I didn't have enough energy to tell and fight with them to get out of my house. 

I let it be. I was about to walk up to my room, but then the door bell rang. I stopped walking and turned around. I made my way to the door and opened it. 

The fresh warm smell of pizza filled my nose. The Pizza Guy nodded at me and checked with me about the pizza. I took the pizza from him and closed the door after. 

I walked into the living room and set the pizza on the coffee table. The boys thanked me and grabbed a piece. I then started to make my way back to the stairs. 

A warm hand grabbed mine and pulled me down next to the body. Brandon smiled at me and handed me a piece of pizza. "Thanks." I mumbled. 

I took a bite of my pizza. Brandon's hand gripped mine tighter. I tried to ignore the tingles I felt from his warmth and continued to stare at the t.v. 

I went to take another bite of my pizza, but a large face went in front of mine. Warm, plumped lips were placed over mine. I froze in shock. I was broken out of my thoughts by the continuous moving lips. 

I then started to move my lips against his. The taste of pizza lased Brandon's lips. He was a really good kisser. Don't get me wrong. I've kissed a lot of guys but this, by far, has been the best.

He pulled away from my face, taking a large bite out of my pizza. I stayed staring at him. A small tint of blush appeared on my face. I licked my lips. Bringing my fingers up to touch my lips. 

He cleared his throat. I bit my lip and looked at him. He was smiling at me. "Wh-what are you looking at." I told him. Wait- di-did I just stutter? What the hell is going on with me? Why am I feeling like this?

"Something breathtakingly cute." He told me, before he wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me into his warm chest. 

I put my focus back onto the t.v. A sick butterfly feeling in the pit of my stomach. I bit my lip replaying the movement of his lips on mine over and over. It had already gotten late. 

I snuggled closer into Brandon. A few minutes after I fell asleep to his warm touch. 

~A Few hours later.~

I woke up laying across Brandon's chest. I yawned and then looked around. I slowly sat up not trying to wake him up. Allen and Jordon had been passed out on the other couches. 

I shook my head. Not even a full day has passed and they're already sleeping in the living room. I stood up and grabbed my phone. I took another piece of pizza and made my way up to my room.

I opened my door, walking into my room. I closed the door after me. I laid down on my bed and then removed my socks. I sighed and made myself comfortable. 

~Morning timee~

I woke up to the sounds of dishes hitting each other and screams. I rolled my eyes and sat up on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I went to my door, cracking it open enough for my face to poke out. 

"Knock it off you three, before I go down there and hurt you!" I yelled at them. It soon became quiet and then laughter was heard. I slammed my door shut and walked to my bathroom. 

I turned the shower on to a warm temperature and took off my clothes. I stepped into the shower and let the hot water drench my body. I washed my hair and body.

After I finished my shower, I stepped out and wrapped the large towel over my body. I walked to my closet picking out a black bra and panties that matched. I then grabbed light blue skinny jeans and a white crop top, along with a black leather jacket. 

I set the clothes on my bed and one by one put them on my body

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I set the clothes on my bed and one by one put them on my body. I dried my hair once my clothes were on and let my hair turn into its natural waves. 

I put on socks and black boots. I left my room and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to the boys sitting at the table eating Pancakes, bacon, and eggs. 

They smiled at me and shoved more food into their mouths. I grabbed a plate from the cupboard and set it on the counter. I put some bacon and eggs on my plate, and grabbed the hot sauce. 

I know. I'm weird. You don't have to tell me. I put the hot sauce on my eggs and grabbed a fork. I then made my way to the table.

I sat down in between Jordon and Brandon. I stabbed my eggs with my fork. I brought the eggs up to my mouth and chomped down on them. Moaning at the taste. I took another bite and then another.

Soon after my plate was empty. I stood up and put my plate in the sink rinsing it off. 

"Alright well I have to get to training. Don't be late." I walked out of the kitchen and back up to my room. I grabbed my phone, headphones, and car keys. I then ran back down stairs and grabbed my water bottle. 

I left out the front door, closing it behind me. I got into my car, and drove to the training center. 

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